Revision guide, pages 7-9

What is the operating system?
The OS is what co-ordinates all the operations of your computer. It manages all the resources on the computer, such as the CPU and RAM. Also controls all the software and hardware.
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What is a real time operating system
Provides fast response, best used where inputs must be processed and responded to immediately, such as traffic light and air traffic control systems.
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Why choose real-time OS?
Provides fast response, best used where inputs must be processed and responded to immediately, such as traffic light and air traffic control systems.
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What is a single-user single task OS?
One user can use the system at at time, and one application can run at a time.
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Why choose single-user single task?
Requires few resources, best used on devices which have limited processing and memory which could not handle running multiple applications. e.g basic mobile phone or basic handheld game
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What is a single-user multi-tasking operating system?
One user can use the system at a time, but many applications can run simultaneously.
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Why choose single-user multi-tasking?
Allows users to use several applications at once, best used on systems where a user needs to be able to switch quickly between applications.
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What is a multi-user operating system?
Many users can use the system at the same time and can run many applications simultaneously.
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Why choose multi-user OS?
Processing and resources can be shared my multiple users. Best used where many users need access to the same processing or resources at the same time, for example web servers.
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What are the hardware factors affecting the performance of the OS?
Limited RAM capacity and CPU speed, Number of cores, Slow hard-disk read/write (fragmentation).
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What are the malware factors affecting the performance of OS?
Viruses, Worms, Spyware.
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What are the virtual memory factors affecting the performance of OS?
Not enough HDD space allocated to extend RAM. Heavy use of virtual memory relies on slow disc transfers rather than the very fast working memory (RAM) data transfers.
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How do operating systems simplify networking?
The OS implements a number of networking technologies such as TCP/IP stack, Network utility programs like trace-route and device drivers for the network interface card.
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What is the TCP/IP stack?
A set of protocols used for transmitting data over the internet. The data transmission takes place in layers (or steps).
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What are some features that are built into operating systems to help improve security?
User authentication, anti-virus and firewall software, backup facilities.
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How does the OS manage the computers resources, such as its memory?
OS decides and tracks things such as: Which processes to allocate memory to, How much memory to allocate to each process, When to un-allocate memory, Transferring data to the page file on the HDD temporarily to free RAM.
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What does the user interface do?
It allows the user to interact with the computer system and is the part of the software that has a huge impact on a user in terms of usability.
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What is the command line interface?
When the user interacts with the computer by typing in commands in response to prompts displayed on the screen.
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What are the advantages of a CLI?
Experienced users find it quicker to complete tasks. Requires less memory and processing power than GUIs to run.
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What are the disadvantages of a CLI?
Requires knowledge of the specific commands for performing functions, Learning so many commands can be intimidating for inexperienced users.
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What is a graphical user interface?
Users interact with the device by controlling a pointer or touch screen to select icons displayed on screen. GUIs are widely used on devices from PCs to smartphones.
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What are the advantages of GUI?
Easy and intuitive method of interacting is easy for beginners to use, Doesn't require users to learn any commands to perform tasks, Usually options to adapt the interface according to an individual users needs e.g screen magnifiers or changing cols.
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What are the disadvantages of GUI?
Often resource intensive, requiring a lot of processor power and memory. Experienced users can find it frustrating to complete tasks they could perform in a CLI.
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What is a menu based interface?
Users interact using a simple menu that presents options to choose from. e.g an ATM screen.
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What are the advantages of a menu based interface?
Limited number of options makes it easy to use, Often possible to figure out how to perform tasks without any instruction, Can include options to adapt the interface to users needs (e.g speech output).
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What are the disadvantages of a menu based interface?
Performing tasks can be slow and frustrating where many levels of options must be traversed.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a real time operating system


Provides fast response, best used where inputs must be processed and responded to immediately, such as traffic light and air traffic control systems.

Card 3


Why choose real-time OS?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a single-user single task OS?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why choose single-user single task?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Rob Jones1963


Very good resource

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