Responses To Aids.

  • Created by: cieran_10
  • Created on: 18-03-18 20:45
What is AIDS caused by?
1 of 26
What does the AIDS deteriorate in the body?
The immune system.
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Give two ways that AIDS can be spread.
Unprotected sex and contaminarted needles.
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Where and when was AIDS first recognised?
In 1981 in California and New York.
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Who did the syndrome affect firstly? (2.)
Homosexual men and those who injected themselves whith illegal drugs.
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By what had AIDS spread worldwide?
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In what year was AIDS indenitified in women and children?
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What two things did people, at the time, not know about the syndrome?
How to prevent it and how to treat it.
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Why did the British government not do anything for the prevention and treatment of AIDS initailly?
As there was a lot of prejudice against the people that it MOSTLY affected.
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When did the government set aside millions of pounds to help takcle the syndrome and why did they decide to do this?
In 1985; the number of reported cases was rising.
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What three things did the government's ADIS budget go towards?
The promotion of contraception, safer-sex education and needle exchanges for drug users.
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In what year did the government run the Don't aid AIDS campaign?
In 1986.
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When did the government launch the Don't Die of Ignorance leaflet campaign?
In 1987.
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How unsuccessful were the government campaigns that attempted to tackle the syndrome?
They were actually successful.
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What did the campaingns show Britain did? (2.)
It showed (and accredited) that they reacted quikcer than other affected countries.
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In what year did the government launch the TV campaign, which showed the word AIDS written across a tombstone?
In 1987.
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Since 1987, how many campaigns have there been against AIDS?
Very few.
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In what year were 6000 people diagnosed with HIV in Britain?
In 2014.
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In what year did the Pasteur Institute (France) discover that HIV caused AIDS?
In 1983.
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In what year was AZT (the first drug to tackel AIDS) approved?
In 1987.
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How affective was AZT?
Quite effective.
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What was the issue with AZT?
The harmful side affects it caused.
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In what year did combination drug therapy begin to be used to tackle AIDS?
In 1992.
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In what year was ART (a combination of new drugs) found to be effective at stopping the development of AIDS?
In 1996.
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Why was the British government slow to react to both the Spanish Influenza and AIDS?
As they were unsure on how the disease spread.
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What was the difference between the Spanish Flu campaigns and the AIDS campaigns?
The AIDS campaigns were a lot less confused.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the AIDS deteriorate in the body?


The immune system.

Card 3


Give two ways that AIDS can be spread.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where and when was AIDS first recognised?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who did the syndrome affect firstly? (2.)


Preview of the front of card 5
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