resistance to social influence

Why is it hard for humans to go against the crowd?
because humans have a strong need to be accepted y the group and have the diesire to act the right way (NSI and ISI)
1 of 6
What effect did social support have in Asch's (1956) study?
social support enables individuals to resist conformity
2 of 6
In one of Asch's conditions he introduced an ally to the group who also gave the right answer, how did this affect conformity?
it dropped from 33% to 5.5%
3 of 6
Why does social support weaken conformity?
It breaks the unanimity of the majority and lends legitimacy to alternative solutions
4 of 6
Why is it difficult to resist obedience?
The obideint actions of others make their actions seem more acceptable
5 of 6
What effect does having a disobedient peer have on oedience?
It encourages disobedeince. The presence of a disobedient peer makes the indvidual more confident in their ability to challenge authority by acting as a roe model on which the individual can model their own behaviour
6 of 6

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Card 2


What effect did social support have in Asch's (1956) study?


social support enables individuals to resist conformity

Card 3


In one of Asch's conditions he introduced an ally to the group who also gave the right answer, how did this affect conformity?


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Card 4


Why does social support weaken conformity?


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Card 5


Why is it difficult to resist obedience?


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