resistance to social influence

Why is it hard for humans to go against the crowd?
because humans have a strong need to be accepted y the group and have the diesire to act the right way (NSI and ISI)
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What effect did social support have in Asch's (1956) study?
social support enables individuals to resist conformity
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In one of Asch's conditions he introduced an ally to the group who also gave the right answer, how did this affect conformity?
it dropped from 33% to 5.5%
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Why does social support weaken conformity?
It breaks the unanimity of the majority and lends legitimacy to alternative solutions
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Why is it difficult to resist obedience?
The obideint actions of others make their actions seem more acceptable
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What effect does having a disobedient peer have on oedience?
It encourages disobedeince. The presence of a disobedient peer makes the indvidual more confident in their ability to challenge authority by acting as a roe model on which the individual can model their own behaviour
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In a varation of Milgram (1963) study the PPs works in a team of 3. the other two are confederates one of which refuses to continue. How does this effect obedience?
It only 10% contnued to give the maximum shock level of 450v
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What is the locus of control?
a persons perception of personal control over their own behaviour
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How is locus of control measured?
on a scale from high internal to high external
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What defines an individual with a high internal locus of control?
they think what happens to them is largly a cosequnece of their own ability and effort
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How doe people with a high internal locus of control behave?
they are more likley to be indipendent in thought and behaviour and rely less on the opinions of others which means they are better able to resist social influnece
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What defines an individual with a high external locus of control?
They think what happens to them is largly determined by external factors
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How doe people with a high external locus of control behave?
They tend to approach events with a more passive, fatalistic outlook. They are less likely to display independent behviour and are more influnced by others
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What is the first reason that individuals with high Internal internal locuses of control resist social influnce?
High internals are active seekers of information that is useful to them and so less likly to to rely on the opinions of others
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What is the second reason that individuals with high Internal internal locuses of control resist social influnce?
They are more achivment oriented and so more likly to be a leader than a follower.
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How does Spector (1982) support reason 2?
Spector (1982) found a relationship between high internal locus of control and effective leadership styles. this was due to internals being more pursuasive
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What is the third reason that individuals with high Internal internal locuses of control resist social influnce?
High internals are resistant to cohersion from others
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How does Estay (1978) support reason 3?
in a POW situation high internals are less lilyt to betrey information the enemy would value obtaining
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E1: In asch's study PPs is always placed at the end of the line. What did Allen and Levine find about the placment of social suppot and how it effects confformity?
when the social support confederate is in position 1 the resistence to conformity is more effective than position 4.
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E1: Why did Allen and Levin (1969) find this?
because the confederate giving the correct answer first makes the PPs more confident and commited that their instinct i correct
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E2: How did Allen and Levine (1970) test the effect of validity of the social support?
The social support confederate wore glasses with very thick lenses, thus providing invalid social support. The other conditions had a confederate who didn't wear glasses providing a valid source of social support
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What did Allen and Levine (1970) find from this experiment?
That both conditions reduced the level of conformity bu the valid social support condition was more effective
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E3: How did Spector (1983) demonstrate that locus of control only related to NSI not ISI?
after testing f157 students he found externals much more likly to conform to NSI than internals. However he found no such relationship with ISI
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E3: what does Spector's (1983) study suggest?
That locus of control is a minimally important factor in ISI
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E4: What is the historical trend of locus of control according to Twenge (2004)?
Over time American students and children increasingly beleive that their fate is more determined by external factors.
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E4: how did Twenge reach his conclusion?
by conducting a meta-analysis of child/student samples of locus of control scores between 19
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What effect did social support have in Asch's (1956) study?


social support enables individuals to resist conformity

Card 3


In one of Asch's conditions he introduced an ally to the group who also gave the right answer, how did this affect conformity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why does social support weaken conformity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is it difficult to resist obedience?


Preview of the front of card 5
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