Research methods key terms

Primary data
Data collected by the researcher him/herself through conducting a study
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Secondary data
Data that is obtained from other sources such as Internet/ books/ other sociologists studies
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Quantitative data
Statistical or numerical data
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Qualitative data
Data that is represented in written form/ obtained through interviews
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Prediction one makes about the outcomes of their study of experiment
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Does the data measure what it claims to be measuring/ does data reflect reality or group being studied
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Degree to which one can rely on the collected data
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Availability of data
Researcher should decide to study or research topic that is going to obtain data in the first place
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Theoritical position
Sociologist bases their research on theory or perspective that they belive to be the most influencial. For instance positivism or interactionalsim
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Practical factors
Factors that affect the possibility of conducting research for instance- costs/ availability of data
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Ethnical issues
Moral principles that guide the sense of right and wrong- have to be considered in sociological research
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Social survey
A survey that involves a large sample of people- usually questionnaires are used
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Longitudinal study
Study that takes place over a longer period of time- years/ allows us to see patterns and trends in data
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List of questions written down that are given to respondents for self completion
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Open ended questions
Type of question where a longer more detailed response is written
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Close ended questions
Questions where appropriate answer can be ticked
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Objective/ value free
Sociolgist must not let their prejudices get in the way of their research
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characteristics of one group should represent larger population
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Applying collected data to the wider population to which the sample belongs to
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Breaking down hypothesis into something that can be physically measured and observed
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Pilot studies
Research conducted before an actual study takes place
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Respondent validation
Method by which a sociologist gets feedback that could help improve validity of data
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Longitudinal surveys
Study of the same group over a longer period of time
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Semi- structured questionnaires
Combination of mainly closed questions/ occasional open questions
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Demand characteristics
Research subjects acts in a way in which the researcher or study requires
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Official statistics
Hard statistics/ numerical data collected by gov.
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Unofficial statistics
Data collected from non gov. Surveys
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Media products
Content placed into newspapers- media that tell us something about particular society that we live in
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Content analysis
Techniques sociologists use to examine media reports/ media products
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Describing the life/ culture/ customs of other social groups
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Unstructured interviews
Interview where questions not predetermined and researcher has more flexibility
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Group interviews
More that one person interviewed
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Focus group interviews
People get together to discuss particular topic or issue
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Semi- structured interviews p
Mixture of structured and unstructured interviews/ many closed questions but few open used
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Combining research methods in order to check or verify validity of data
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Informal interview
Unstructured interview- usually conversation encouraged by person asking questions- prepared questions not usually used
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Covert observation
Researcher joins and researcher a social group without telling them- study conducted secretly
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Interview schedule
Set of questions that are written before hand to guide the researcher when conducting a study
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Structured interview
Researcher prepares questions before hand to ask the participation in the interview- little flexibility
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Interview bias
When researcher asks questions in such as way/ behaves in a way ie: facial expressions that affect the responses given by the respondent
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Participant observation either- overt or covert
Sociologist joins a group that he/ she wants to study
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Overt observation
Before researcher joins group- informs the participants about it
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Non participant or direct observation
Sociologist/ researcher observes an activity without getting involved in activity ie- class room observations
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Impression management
Effort taken to control or influence other people's perceptions
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Non response
Individuals from chosen sample are unwilling or ignore to participate in a survey- leads to low response rates- usally common in postal questionnaires
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Sampling frame
Sources from which a list of members wished to be studies are chosen
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Research population
Large group of indivuals or objects that a sociologist or researcher wants to study
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Social problem
Issue that influences a large number of indivudals within society
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Sociological problem
Issues that sociologists try to explain by forming explanations- divorce sociological problem (why people divorce- divorce rates)
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Gate keeping
A person who can access groups that are difficult to study- gangs who tend to shut outsiders out - help gain access into these groups so they can be studied and a trust or rapport can be formed between the group in question and researcher
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Secondary data


Data that is obtained from other sources such as Internet/ books/ other sociologists studies

Card 3


Quantitative data


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Qualitative data


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5
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