Positivism And Interpretivism

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  • Positivism And Interpretivism
    • Interpretivism
      • What They Believe
        • Gain interpretations and meanings
        • Verstehen
        • need to get personally involved
        • into the reasons behind something
        • relationships in the family
        • in deph descriptions
      • Research Methods
        • Qualitative Data
        • Personal Documents
        • Participant Observation
        • Unstructured questionairres
        • Open Ended questionairres
        • Micro Approach
      • Key Terms
        • subjective
        • Interactive
        • thick discription
        • Individual Motives
        • Rapport
        • Feelings
    • Positivism
      • What they Believe
        • Social institutions create Expectations
        • Durkheim- should study social facts
        • It should be in statistical form
        • Emotions should not e studied
        • Caused by natural things
        • Media< Family and Expeariance
      • Key Terms
        • Objective
        • correlates
        • Cuases
        • Generalisation
        • Detachments
        • Trends


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