Religious Studies Marks Gospel Words

The commandments
the collection of 10 laws given by God
1 of 47
Followers of Jesus
2 of 47
The eye of a needle
A metaphor used by Jesus to show that wealth makes it difficult to enter the Kingdom of God
3 of 47
A tax collector who was called to be a disciple
4 of 47
Peter's denial
The way peter said he was not a follower of Jesus after the arrest
5 of 47
Putting other people's needs before your own
6 of 47
an act of help or assistance
7 of 47
Sons of Zebedee
The brothers James and John whom Jesus called to follow him
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True Family
Those who follow the teaching of Jesus
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True Greatness
The teaching of Jesus that service of others is true greatness
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The Twelve
The twelve selected from the disciples to be Jesus' closest disciples
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A gift dedicated to God which meant that it could not be used for anything else
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Going without food on certain days as a sign of devotion to God
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The Law
The collection of laws handed down by God and collected in the Torah
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Palm Sunday
The Sunday before Good Friday when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey
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The sufferings of Jesus, especially in the time leading up to his crucifixion
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A religious studies whose aim was to keep the traditional Jewish faith alive
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Ritual Cleanliness
The Jewish laws on food and washing which prevented anything unclean entering the body
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The jewish day of rest on the seventh day of the week
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Group of priests who controlled the Temple and collaborated with the Romans
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Religious lawyers; originally men who made copies of the Torah
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Those who did not follow all the Jewish laws
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The Temple
The building in Jerusalem where sacrifices were made
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Associating oneself with God/language or deeds which insult God
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The Roman death penalty suffered by Jesus when he was nailed to the cross
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Feast of Unleavened Bread
The first day of the Passover festival
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The place where Jesus was arrested
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The place of the skull; the place where Jesus was crucified
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High Priest
The chief Jewish leader at the time of Jesus
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Judas Iscariot
The disciple who betrayed Jesus
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Last Supper
The last meal Jesus ate with his disciples which founded the Eucharist
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Jewish festival celebrating the release from Egypt
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Pontius Pilate
The Roman procurator (governor) of Judea at the time of Jesus
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The supreme Jewish council which found Jesus guilty of blasphemy
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Upper Room
The place where the Last Supper took place
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Confessing sins and being immersed in water as a sign of purification
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An acknowledgement or declaration of something
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The Old Testament prophet believed to return before the Messiah
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Healing Miracle
A miracle in which Jesus shows his power over sickness
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The synagogue ruler whose daughter was brought back to life by Jesus
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John the Baptist
The man who baptized Jesus in the river Jordan
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A man from whom Jesus cast out many demons
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The Anointed One (Christ) who would bring in God's Kingdom
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The old testament prophet to whom God gave his laws
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Nature Miracle
A miracle in which Jesus shows his power over nature
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Son of Man
A title used by Jesus of himself, probably meaning he would suffer before bringing in God's Kingdom
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When Jesus' appearance was changed
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Followers of Jesus



Card 3


A metaphor used by Jesus to show that wealth makes it difficult to enter the Kingdom of God


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A tax collector who was called to be a disciple


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The way peter said he was not a follower of Jesus after the arrest


Preview of the back of card 5
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