Religious Attitudes to the Elderly and Death

10 Commandments quote
"Honour thy father and mother." Exodus
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Islam quote- respecting the elderly
"He who...des not acknowledge the honour due to our elders in not one of us."
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Islam quote- being kind to the elderly
"Show kindness to both your parents."
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Christian quote- all will go to heaven
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me."
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Christian quote- only Christians will go to heaven
"No one comes to the father except through me." "Whoever lives and believes in me shall never die."
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Islamic life after death
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Islamic Hell
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Islamic Heaven
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Who is allowed in Paradise?
"none shall be cast into the flaming fire but..who has called the truth a lie and turned his back"
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Islamic quote of judgement day
"On the day of judgemnt you will see all who invented lies against God with their face darkened by grief and shame."
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Where do RC think you go and when?
Purgatory- where you'er not ready for heaven, like a limbo, where your soul is cleansed.
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What is the Christian view of heaven?
Eternal life with God. Some think you need your body (physical resurection) whilst some think you just need your soul. You cannot describe heaven, it is beyond all our understanding and a place of freedom and joy.
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What is the Islamic view of heaven?
Life is divided into 2 so it is vital to worship Allah by keeping the 5 pillars and following Muhammid/Quran. The day of judgement will come when a blinding light will tear the sky apart etc and they will be judged according to Niyyah.
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Roman Catholic opinion on euthanasia
"Nothing and no one can...permit the killing of an innocant is a grave violation of God's law."
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Christian support for euthanasia
"Love thy neighbour." Everyone is born with God given free will.
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Christian against euthanasia
"Don't you know that youre body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?" Man made in God's image. All life is sacred.
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Salvation Army opinion on euthanasia
"People do not have a right to choose to die."
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Muslim against euthanasia
"No person can ever die except by Allah's leave and at an appointed term." "My slave hurried to bring death upon himslef so I have forbidden him to enter Paradise."
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Muslim support euthanasia
"Take not life which Allah has made sacred expect by way of justice and law..."
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Arguments for euthanasia
Relieves a person for their suffering. Life is about living not existing- low quality of life is bad. Prevents family from suffering.
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Anglican opinion on euthanasia
"The church is against making euthanasia legal, even if it will ease someone's pain or suffering."
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Define Palliative Care
Managing both physical and mental pain. Offers drugs to stop pain and spitirual, social and psychological support
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Who went to Dignitas in May 2015 and what was he suffering from?
Jeffrey Spector, had an inoperable brain tumor
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What are the 3 main aims of a hospice?
To relieve pain, to help patients, friends and reliatives come to terms with death and to care for the emotional needs of family etc after a death
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Arguments against euthanasia
All life sacred, can we be sure someone is near to death, where would it stop?
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Who went to court to ask permission for her husband to kill her?
Diane Pretty, she argued it was violating her human rights
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What are the 4 types of euthanasia?
Passive, Active Voluntary and Involuntary
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Define the 4 types of euthanasia
Passive= treatment withdrawn/ Active= action kills patient/ Voluntary= able make own decision/ Involutary= cant make own decision, doctors& family do
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Islam quote- respecting the elderly


"He who...des not acknowledge the honour due to our elders in not one of us."

Card 3


Islam quote- being kind to the elderly


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Christian quote- all will go to heaven


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Christian quote- only Christians will go to heaven


Preview of the front of card 5
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