Religion, Peace & Conflict Definitions Quiz - Part 1


1. Just War

  • The belief that all violence is wrong
  • Rules and conditions for a war (Catholics)
  • Forgiveness; making up after a falling out
  • Weapons of mass destruction; atomic bombs
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2. Holy War

  • Rules and conditions for a war (Catholics)
  • An organisation that works to alleviate (end) suffering
  • War sanctioned (allowed) by God
  • Fairness

3. Nuclear Weapons

  • Weapons of mass destruction; atomic bombs
  • The opposite of war; harmony in all society
  • Forgiveness; making up after a falling out
  • The belief that all violence is wrong

4. Civil War

  • War fought using ‘ordinary’ (non-nuclear) weapons
  • Disputes or arguments (can be violent) Conventional Warfare War fought using ‘ordinary’ (non-nuclear)
  • A war between groups in the same country
  • War fought using ‘ordinary’ (non-nuclear) weapons

5. Retaliation

  • Taking revenge on someone
  • A war between groups in the same country
  • Underground/random warfare against a government
  • Showing disagreement against something


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