Religion as a conservative force in society

Functionalists in general
Religion reinforces social solidarityt and restricts deviance and social change, existing moral order is regarded as sacred. Religion therefore acts as a conservative force.
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Durkheim and totenism
Totenism, from his study of the Arunta, creates social solidarity and a collective conscience. Religion integrates comunities and acts as a focal point for life. It is a conservative force becuase the single moral comunity prevents social change
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Saw religion as promoting social norms and values, events such as death and unemployment which produce anxiety can be helped by the comfort religion holds. Acts as a conservative force
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Conservative force in society, underpins core values of a culture which regulates peoples behaviour.
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Criticisms of functionalist
Downplays the role religion can sometimes play in social change (Martain Luther King). Religion can be disruptive and socially divisive (Protestants and Catholics), there view is rose tinted
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Marxism in general
Religion is part of the dominant ideology, it acts as the opium of the people and legitimizes and maintains the power of the ruling class. Therefore is a conservative force
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Marx- Escape from suffering
Religion eases the pain of oppression and exploitation. Promises an eventual escape from capitalism.
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Marx- Supernatural intervention
It sometimes offers supernatural intervention to solve problems on earth. (JW believe god will help in the battle of Armageddon)
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Marx- Religious explanation
Religion supplies a justification for inequality and religious explanatins for the world. (Hindu caste system)
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Neo Marxists- Gramsci
Religion can sometimes be a force for counter hegomony, and it can relative autonomy from the ruling class ideology. It can act as a focus for greivences against the powerful undermining their authority and promoting social change
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Force for social change example- Catholic church
Role of the catholic church in supporting equal rights for catholics in Northen Ireland civil rights movement (1960) and in Poland (1990), when it became a focus for the strugle of democracy and against Russian domination
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Force for social hange example- Islamic fundamentalism
Islamic fundamentalism is often a veichle for resisting the global influence of Western cultural imperialism, fighting Americanization of the worlds culture, and resisting the dominance of western corporations in the world economy
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Force for social change example- Iran
In Iran, Islam produces revolutionary change led by Ayatollah Khemeini leading to overthrow a dictorial monarchy (the Shadom) and the establishment of the Islamic republic
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Berger- Conservative force in society
Universe of meaning provides individuals with explanations in a chaotic world. Sacred canopy stretching over society. Religion also explains darker sides of life he argues this adds to social stabilility
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Is Berger correct?
Berger argues that in postmodern societies religion is loosing its role in peoples everyday lives. Sacred canopy of religion has been lostt as it no longer provides a explanation or source of meaning. Science has taken over during rationalism
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Stark and Bainbridge
Echoes Berger and functionaliss. Religion meets the needs of people when they loose their way, it answers lifes questions and acts as a compensator, contributing to the stability in social life thus acting as a conservative force
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Feminist view- General
Religion acts as a conservative force. Subordinates role of women in scriptures, marginilises women in organized religions (sefrefation), patriarchal religious doctrines, religious laws give men more rights such as in divorce.
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Weber- Protestent ethic and the spirit of Capitalism
Studied Calvanism in Europe. Religion is a force for social change. Predestination beliefs cause them to work very hard leading to material success, providing the normative conditions for capitalist industrialisation.
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Religion as a conservative force and force for social change?
This works when soceity seeks too reverse progressive change. (Taliban reversig modernisation and establish Islamic fundamentalist laws).
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Mcguire and RObinson four factors deciding if a religion is conservative or not
The nature and Extent of beleifs, the significance of religion in a societies culture (catholicism in Ireland), extent of social involvement in religion(politics and religion integrated) and the degree of central authority in religious organisations
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Durkheim and totenism


Totenism, from his study of the Arunta, creates social solidarity and a collective conscience. Religion integrates comunities and acts as a focal point for life. It is a conservative force becuase the single moral comunity prevents social change

Card 3




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Card 4




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Card 5


Criticisms of functionalist


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