Relationships; Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour

Sexual Selection
An evolutionary explaination of partner preference. Attributes or behaviours that increase reprodutive success are passed on and may become exaggerated over succeedign generations of offspring.
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The difference between male and female sex cells; sperm are continously created from puberty to old age compared to eggs which are limited to fetile years in a woman.
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Inter-Sexual Selection
Preferred by females - quality over quanitity. Females make greater commitment and time during and after birth. The females mating strategy is to pick the genetically fit male who will provide resources, determing what genes are passed on.
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Intra-Sexual Selection
Preferred by males - quantity over quality. Refers to competition between males, winner gets to pass on to his offspring. Anisogamy dictates that male's reproductive strategy is to mate with as many fertile females as possible.
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Human Reproducitve Behaviour
Behaviours which relate to oppourtunities to reproduce and thereby increase the surivival chances of our genes. It includes the evolutionary mechanisms underlying our partners preference, such as mate choice and competetion.
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Buss (1989) - Research Supporting Anisogamy
Survey on 10,000 adults in 33 countries about partner preference; women valued resource-related characteristics, males valued reproductive charateristics. Findings reflect sex differences in mate preference due to anisogamy and are generalisable.
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Clark and Hatfield (1989) - Research Supporting Inter-Sexual Selection
Sent male and female students to ask 'would you go to bed with me tonight?'. 0% of females said yes, compared to 75% of males. Supports evolutionary theory suggesting females are choosier than males and males focus on reproductive success.
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Chang (2011) - Ignores Social and Cultural Differences
Compared partner preferences in China over 25 years and found that some has changed but some stayed the same, along with social changes at the time. Mate preferences are therefore, the outcome of evolutionary and cultural influences.
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Bereczkei (1997) - Changing Role of Women
Woman's greater role in work means they are no longer dependent on men to provide for them. Argued this social change has consequences for females mating preferences, may not be resoure-orientated.
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Waynforth and Dunbar (1995) - Support from Loney Hearts Research
Studied lonely hearts adverts in USA newspapers. Found more woman than men tended to offer physical attractiveness and youth, whilst men offered resources more than women and sought youth and physical attractiveness.
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Card 2




The difference between male and female sex cells; sperm are continously created from puberty to old age compared to eggs which are limited to fetile years in a woman.

Card 3


Inter-Sexual Selection


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Card 4


Intra-Sexual Selection


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Card 5


Human Reproducitve Behaviour


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