Investment is one feature of the investment model of relationships. Identify one other feature of the investment model of relationships.
Comparison with alternatives
1 of 8
What is anisogomy?
Difference in male and female sex cells (gametes)
2 of 8
What is - Sperm is cheap, males are fertile throughout life, they're unsure of paternity
Male demands/ reasons
3 of 8
What is - Eggs are expensive, fertile for around 30 years, sure of maternity
Female demands/ reasons
4 of 8
What is this - Choosy, long term mating
Female HRB
5 of 8
What is - Short term mating, Promiscuous
Male HRB
6 of 8
What is the males inter sexual selection?
Young, attractive, fertile females
7 of 8
What is this? Males compete against other males for fertile females
Male intra sexual selection
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is anisogomy?


Difference in male and female sex cells (gametes)

Card 3


What is - Sperm is cheap, males are fertile throughout life, they're unsure of paternity


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is - Eggs are expensive, fertile for around 30 years, sure of maternity


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is this - Choosy, long term mating


Preview of the front of card 5
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