Relationships 2 lectures (1-17), acculturation (18-23)

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 20-05-19 13:08
Chan (04) more affluent cultures had stronger preference for...
love, sociability, education and dependability
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Social structural theory
learning differentials mean women prefer men with financial status and males prefer nurtuant women. Mate preferenes - doing the best within that setting
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Variation of love and relationships in UK (6)
opportunities for mixed sex contact, who is allowed to date, choice of boyfriends, timing of marriage, pre-marital meetings, marital choice
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Love as a disruptive force
Can b seen as fusion (bringing couples together) or fission (explosive and illogical)
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Love individualism-collectivism
Individualism - can do things together and complain about the world. Collectivism - other factors than the self are important in marital satisfaction
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Love styles (SAMPLE)
Storge (friendship), agape (altruistic), mania, pragma (logical), ludus (game playing), eros (romantic/passionate)
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Love styles and culture
Ludus and eros are Western (notion of relationship temporality), pragma, storge, mania and agape as more Collectivist
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Love styles and gender
Men - ludus, women - pragma (more logical due to risk of pregnancy and more difficult for women to meet men)
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Notion of yuan
If you have yuan for eachother, though you are thousands of miles apart, you will still meet. If you don't have yuan, even if you are face to face, you will never know eachother
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Levine study on love importance
Westernished countries seen love as prerequisite for marriage. Countries placing greatest importance on role of romantic love had greatest GDP. Belief divorce when love has gone. Religious and collectivist most likely to marry without love
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Social penetration theory 4 stages
orientation (small talk), exploratory affective (moderate disclosure), affective (more personal, arguments) and stable (deepest beliefs and thoughts)
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Great East Japan Earthquake - more stressed if...
woman, less/wrong support, family death, no job, no visitor to house
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Socialisation and attachment
Germany - avoidant, Israel - ambivalent. More intracultural variations than intercultural. Child rearing in a group
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Confucian (Chinese) socialisation
taught to inhibit expression, respect elders, emphasis on obedience and respect
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China, Japan, Israel and Muslim differences
Chinese - submission to parents, mutual dependency. Japan - rarely left alone, carried on mother's backs, control ***. with warmth. Israel - independence, encouraged to be alone. Muslim - early marriage, high fertility.
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Modernisation hypothesis
Explains process a nation goes through in transitioning from a traditional nation to a modern one. Religion, economic development important, but misleading
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Modernisation and individualism
3 models: Interdependent (collectivist - son preference+high fertility), independent (individualist - autonomy, low fertility) and emotional/psychological interdependency (children are companions, tied to family)
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Group factors common to a particular migrant population (PENS-BCN) - first 4 (PENS)
politics, economic (you may be poor, country may be rich), novelty of group (e.g. Zimbabweans in Finland), size of group (microculture, only representation of that culture)
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Continuation of group factors in migrant pop (BCN)
biological (new diseases e.g. malaria), cultural practices (unfamiliar and novel), nature of new country (how welcoming they are)
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Individual acculturation factors (7) PEELLER
personality and values, employment, education, location, language skills, expected length of move, reasons for migration
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Berry's 2 questions
Is there a preference for maintaining cultural heritage and identity? Is there a preference for having contact with + participating in larger society?
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Polish in UK study - those who stayed...
willing to make British frieds and have British business partners, had pro British attitudes, intended to stay
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Poles in UK - those who returned...
high on fatalistic beliefs, negative view
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Social structural theory


learning differentials mean women prefer men with financial status and males prefer nurtuant women. Mate preferenes - doing the best within that setting

Card 3


Variation of love and relationships in UK (6)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Love as a disruptive force


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Love individualism-collectivism


Preview of the front of card 5
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