Reforms to Navy

What was Navy's main job after 1813?
Policing trade routes and enforcing slave trade ban.
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How many ships were left in 1817?
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What was form of diplomacy known as?
Gunboat diplomacy
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When were first steam boats built?
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What were tactical changes?
Broadside not possible due to paddle.
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When was the new programme?
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What was propellor called?
Screw propellor
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What was first steam ship called?
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Why did engines change from wood to iron?
Engines in steam too big and explosive shells blew engines up.
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What was first ship with iron engine?
HMS Warrior.
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What was first transition?
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When were Graham's reforms?
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What did he focus on?
Refitting existing ships and building new ships and training.
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How did he do this?
School for gunnery- HMS Excellent led by Hastings.
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What was his system of gunnery?
Firing and loading instead of double and triple loading.
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How did he change promotions system?
2 years minim service as Lieutenant.
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How did he change supply system?
Got rid of Naval Office and Victualling Board
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What replaced these?
Board of Admiralty in which 5 Officers were in charge of key areas and Officers oversaw yards
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How did this improve the system?
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What did Fisher realise?
Britain relied on imports and a blockade could stop trade
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When was the Naval defence Act?
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What did it codify?
Idea that britain had to have as much money as 2 biggest competitors- 2 power standard.
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What changed this situation?
German kaiser encouraged warship competition.
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What did Fisher focus on?
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What did he reform?
Training- studied history, navigation ad seamanship.
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Who was in charge of ordnance?
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What were new guns?
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How was budget balanced?
Reserves of volunteers, Fleet Auxillary- coal and supplies and Channel Fleet- Gibraltar.
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What was effect of Russo-Japanese war?
Battlecruisers and submarines recognised as important.
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What was significant about HMS Dreadnought?
had calculating gunnery, Armour piercing shells, steam turbine engines quickest and defelct shooting and observers.
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What was ratio of ships for Germans:English?
31 of 32
What changed odds?
Geramans focused on Army
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many ships were left in 1817?



Card 3


What was form of diplomacy known as?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When were first steam boats built?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were tactical changes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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