reflex arc

Do reflexes protect you?
Yes, they do protect you and it will happen very quickly.
1 of 6
Where does the message go to and what does it pass along?
The message will pass along the sensory neuron and will go to the spinal cord
2 of 6
What will happen after the spinal cord picks up the message?
The spinal cord will pass the message on to the relay neurons.
3 of 6
Where will the relay neurons pass the message on to?
It will then pass them along to the motor neurons which are in the muscle tissue.
4 of 6
How will the muscles respond to pain?
They will respond to pain by contracting.
5 of 6
Name 3 other involuntary reflexes?
Pulling your hand away, blinking, and coughing
6 of 6

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Card 2


Where does the message go to and what does it pass along?


The message will pass along the sensory neuron and will go to the spinal cord

Card 3


What will happen after the spinal cord picks up the message?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where will the relay neurons pass the message on to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How will the muscles respond to pain?


Preview of the front of card 5
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