Nervous System- Reflex Arc

  • Created by: rhiakerr
  • Created on: 29-04-17 18:06
Describe stage ONE in the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages
There is a stimulus (i.e a bee stings a finger)
1 of 7
Describe stage TWO in the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages.
Receptors in the sensory organs detect the stimulus (i.e skin, nose, ears, tongue , eyes)
2 of 7
Describe stage THREE in the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages.
Impulses sent to SENSORY neurone through the stimulus
3 of 7
Describe stage FOUR of the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages
impulses sent to RELAY neurone via chemical secreted across the SYNAPSE
4 of 7
Describe stage FIVE of the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages.
Impulses travel along the MOTOR neurone via the SYNAPSE
5 of 7
Describe stage SIX of the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages.
Effectors in the body (.ie a muscle contracting) stimulate a response
6 of 7
Describe stage SEVEN of the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages
When impulses reach (muscle) a response is activated i.e a muscle contracting
7 of 7

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Card 2


Receptors in the sensory organs detect the stimulus (i.e skin, nose, ears, tongue , eyes)


Describe stage TWO in the reflex arc. There are SEVEN stages.

Card 3


Impulses sent to SENSORY neurone through the stimulus


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Card 4


impulses sent to RELAY neurone via chemical secreted across the SYNAPSE


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Card 5


Impulses travel along the MOTOR neurone via the SYNAPSE


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