Reflex Actions

What dectects a stimulus
A receptor
1 of 15
What a stimulus
A change in the environment
2 of 15
What is the order of the neurones in a reflex action
3 of 15
Why are reflex action important
They are rapid and unconscious
4 of 15
What chemical goes across the synapse
The neurotransmitter
5 of 15
How do neurotransmitter travel across the synapse
They diffuse
6 of 15
Wha part of the CNS is not involved in a reflex action
The brain
7 of 15
What does the CNS do in reflex action
They do
8 of 15
Give an advantage of a reflex action
9 of 15
What is the order of a reflex action
Stimulus - Receptor - coordinator - Effector - Response
10 of 15
where is the cell body on a motor neurone?
On the End
11 of 15
What do neurotransmitters do?
Start the impulse in the next neurone
12 of 15
what does the Receptor do with the stimulus
Changes the energy of the stimulus into an impulse
13 of 15
what is the effector
a muscle or a gland
14 of 15
what covers the axon in a neurone
The Myelin sheath
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What a stimulus


A change in the environment

Card 3


What is the order of the neurones in a reflex action


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why are reflex action important


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What chemical goes across the synapse


Preview of the front of card 5
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