Reasons for British expansion into Africa

What was the Swing to the East?
After Britain lost the American Revolutionary war in 1783, they lost control of America and it's colonies, so they expanded their empire into the East (Africa and Asia)
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Name 3 things that Britain had exploited from Africa (this is an economic reason for expansion)
Ivory, Gold and Diamonds
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Expanding into Africa allowed Britain to replace wealth lost since the abolition of the ----- -----?
Slave trade
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Why was it advantageous for Africa to be spacious?
Space for cattle production, which Britain can prosper off, ensures industrial productivity
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Outline 2 strategic factors for British expansion into Africa
Developing alliances with Africa through trading with them, Britain was strengethened as a country. Others were less likely to invade England because of it's powerful empire. Africa owned cape colony, a harbour with good temperatures and deep water. This
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Muscular Christianity was a moral reason for the expansion into Africa. Outline what this is.
Muscular Christianity was a type of Christian British supremacy. They sought to 'heathen' people in Africa, who they saw as savage and uncivilised. They spread God's word in Christian missionaries, they worked in schools in Africa.
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What is a quote from the merchant imperialist David Livingstone that shows why Britain wanted to expand into Africa?
'Make an open path for commerce and Christianity'
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Name 4 merchant imperialists
Any from, George Goldie, Cecil Rhodes, Sir Richard Burton, David Livingstone and John Hanning Speke
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What did merchant imperialists do that caused Britain wanting to expand into Africa?
They published their findings in Africa, wether this was mountains or waterways and this appeared in British magazines.
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Card 2


Name 3 things that Britain had exploited from Africa (this is an economic reason for expansion)


Ivory, Gold and Diamonds

Card 3


Expanding into Africa allowed Britain to replace wealth lost since the abolition of the ----- -----?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why was it advantageous for Africa to be spacious?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Outline 2 strategic factors for British expansion into Africa


Preview of the front of card 5
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