reaching a verdict-reaching a verdict

final section to reaching a verdict

  • Created by: Rhoda
  • Created on: 11-06-10 09:44
however when the experimenter chooses the seats...
the stooge has little influence over the group
1 of 10
nemeth and watchler found out that when the stooge chooses their seat....
they are seen as confident, autonomous and they exert influnece over the whole group
2 of 10
asch carried out a lab experiment to investigate the power of conformity and..
minority influence
3 of 10
how many real ppts were there in each group?
4 of 10
asch found out that...
individuals didnt conform
5 of 10
he also found out that majorities bigger than 3
make very little difference to the conformity effect
6 of 10
asch concluded that people conform because of the need to belong to a group and..
the need to be right
7 of 10
Nemeth and watchler carried out a lab experiment to investigate the influence of percieved autonomy on..
minority influence
8 of 10
their ppts were in groups of 5. how many stooges were in each group?
9 of 10
who proposed the theory of stages in decision making?
10 of 10

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Card 2


nemeth and watchler found out that when the stooge chooses their seat....


they are seen as confident, autonomous and they exert influnece over the whole group

Card 3


asch carried out a lab experiment to investigate the power of conformity and..


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how many real ppts were there in each group?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


asch found out that...


Preview of the front of card 5
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Asch found out about majority influence, not mnority. Minority was Nemeth & Watchler.

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