RE - Christianity

  • Created by: kmarkwick
  • Created on: 05-05-18 14:35
a branch of christianity led by the pope
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a branch of christinity mainly in eastern europe
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a branch of christianity, originally named for protesting against some practices of the catholic church, there are many protestant denominations but they all have a central belief that the bible is the only authority for christians
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a distinct group within the christian faith with its on organisations and traditions
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the supreme being, creator of heaven and earth
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a religion that believes there is only one God
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separate and set apart for a special purpose by God
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almighty, having unlimited power; a quality of God
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all loving, all good; a quality of God
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bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been committed
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the belief that there are three persons in the One God; father, son and holy spirit
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holy spirit
the third person of the trinity whom christians believe is the inspiring presence of God in the world
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son of god
a title used for Jesus, the second person of the trinity
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the act by which God brought the universe into being
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the word
term used at the beginning of John's gospel to refer to God the son
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becoming flesh, taking a human form
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1) rising from the dead 2) jesus rising from the dead on easter the central belief for christians
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a religious offence which includes claiming to be God
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1) roman method of execution by which criminals were fixed to a cross 2) the execution and death of jesus on good friday
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the removal of a foetus from the womb to end a pregnancy before the child is born, usually before the foetus is 24 weeks old
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misuse; of the world and environment
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active euthanasia
ending a life by deliberate action, such as by giving a patient a lethal injection
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a process of change by which an organism becomes better suited to its environment
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physical or mental dependence on a substance or activity which is very difficult to overcome
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voluntary sexual intercorse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse
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after life
belief that there is life in some form after the death of the physical body
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a word used in the bible that describes selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love
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age of consent
when a person is legally old enough to freely agree to have sex
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someone who thinks there is not enough evidence for belief in god
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animal experimentation
using animals to conduct scientific experiments usually to try to improve human life
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a catholic church ruling that a marriage was never valid
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1) action of rising to an important position or higher level 2) jesus going to heaven 40 days after the resurrection
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a person who believes there is no god
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restoring the relationshipbeteen people and and god through the life, death and resurrection of jesus
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a feeling of respect, mixed feelings of fear and wonder
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an initiation ceremony using water through which people become members of the church
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believers' baptism
initiation into the church, by immersion in water, of people old enough to understand the ceremony and willing to live a christian life
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the offence of marrying someone whilst already married to someone else
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biological weapons
weapons that contain living organisms or infective material that can lead to disease or death
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a religious offence which includes claiming to be god
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chemical weapons
weapons that use chemicals to poison, burn or paralyse humans and destroy the natural environment
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the day celebrating the birth of jesus
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1) the holy people of god 2) a building in which christians worship
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civil partnership
legal union of same sex couples
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a couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another
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community service
a way of punishing offenders by making them do unpaid work in the community
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when the male sperm fertilises the female ovum
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give permission for something to happen
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the methods used to prevent a pregnancy from taking place
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someone who has decided to become committed to a religion and change his or her religious faith
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corporal punishment
punishment of an offender by causing them physical pain
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the act by which god brought the universe into being
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an offence which is punishable by law
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1) roman method of execution 2) the execution and death of jesus on good friday
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day of judgement
a time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by god and either rewarded or punished
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death penalty
(capital punishment) a form of punishment in which a prisoner is put to death for crimes committed
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the cutting down of large areas of usually for business needs
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design argument
the argument that god designed the universe because everything is so intricately made that it could not have happened by chance
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an aim of punishment - to put people off committing crimes
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actions or behaviour that result from prejudice
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the divine
god, gods or ultimate reality
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legal ending of a marriage
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dominance or power over something; having charge of something or ruling over it
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christian festival celebrating the resurrection of jesus after his death on the cross
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emergency aid
also known as short-term aid; help given to communities in a time of disaster or crisis
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the gaining of true knowledge about god or self, usually through meditation
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the natural world, the surroundings in which someone lives
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the state of being equal especially in status, rights and opportunities
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without beginning or end
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a state that comes after death and never ends
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painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or coma
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spreading the christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness
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a force or the personification of negative power that is seen in many traditions as destructive and against god
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the process by which living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms of life during the history of the earth
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misuse of power or money to get others to do things for little or unfair reward
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extended family
a family that extends beyond just parents and their children
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a commitment to something that goes beyond proof and knowledge especially used about god and religion
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a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption
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a day or period of celebration for religious reasons
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first cause argument
(cosmological argument) there has to be an uncaused cause that made everything else happen
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showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong
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free will
christian belief that god gives people the opportunity to make decisions for themselves
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freedom of religion
the right to believe or practice whatever religion one choses
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freedom of religious expression
the right to worship, preach and practice one's faith in whatever way one chooses
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fundamentalist christians
christians who believe that the statements in the bible are literally true and that there are certain basic beliefs that are essential to the christian faith
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gender discrimination
to act against someone on the basis of their gender
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gender equality
the idea that people should be given the same rights and opportunities regardless of whether they are male or female
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gender prejudice
unfairly judging someone before the facts are known; holding biased opinions about an individual or group based on their gender
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general revelation
god making himself known through ordinary, common human experiences
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a quality of god which god shows to humans by providing love and support which they do not need to earn
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selfish desire for something
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a state of eternal happiness in the presence of god; the place of eternal peace ruled over by god
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the place of eternal suffering or the state of being without god
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to be sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
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holy communion (eucharist)
a service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
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holy war
fighting for a religious cause or god probably controlled by a religious leader
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to be sexually attracted to members of the same sex
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human rights
the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings should be entitled
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human sexuality
how people express themselves as sexual beings
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human trafficking
the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation
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the idea that god is preset in and involved with life on earth and in the universe; a quality of god
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impersonal nature (of god)
the idea that god has no 'human' characteristics, is unknowable and mysterious, more like an idea or force
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becoming flesh; taking human form
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infant baptism
the sacrament through which babies and young children become members of the church, where promises are taken on their behalf by adults; the infant is freed from sin and introduced to the saving love of god and the support of the christian community
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informal prayer
prayer that is made up by an individual using his or her own words
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just war
a war which meets internationally accepted criteria for fairness; follows traditional christian rules for a just war, and is now accepted by all other religions
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christians who believe that the bibles authors were guided by god but that not everything that they wrote was a literal account of what happened
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liturgical worship
a church service which follows a set structure or ritual
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long term aid
assistance given to a poor country over a long period of time that has a lasting affect
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the lord's prayer
the prayer taught to the disciples by jesus
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a legal union between a man and a woman (or, in some countries, between two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship
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(eucharist) a ceremony in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of jesus is celebrated using bread and wine
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mental illness
a medical condition that affects a person's feelings emotions or moods and possibly their ability to relate to others
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a seemingly impossible event, usually good, that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is thought to be the action of god
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the vocation or calling of a religious organisation or individual to go out into the world and spread the faith
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a person sent on a religious mission, especially to promote christianity in a foreign country through preaching or charitable work
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natural resources
materials found in nature that can be used by humans
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the physical world including plants, animals and landscape; the environment or natural world
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english protestant who does not conform to the doctrines or practices of the established church of england
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non-liturgical worship
a service that does not follow a set text or ritual
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non-renewable resource
things the earth provides that will eventually run out as there is a limited amount of them
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nuclear family
a couple and their dependent children regarded as a basic social unit
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nuclear weapons
weapons that work by a nuclear reaction devastate huge areas and kill large numbers of people
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almighty, having unlimited power, a quality of god
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knowing everything, a quality of god
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a branch of christianity mostly practiced in eastern europe
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the belief of people who refuse to take part in war or and any other form of violence
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an absence of conflict; which leads to happiness and harmony
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a person who works to establish peace in the world or an area
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hostility and ill treatment, especially because of race, political or religious beliefs
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personal nature (of god)
the idea that god is an individual or person with whom people are able to have a relationship or feel close
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a journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons; an act of worship and devotion
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making something dirty and contaminated, especially the environment
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the practice or custom of having more than one wife at a time
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positive discrimination
treating people more favourably because they have been discriminated against in the past or have disabilities
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being without money, food or other basic needs of life
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communicating with god
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unfairly judging someone before the facts are known holding biased opinions about an individual or group
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a secure building where offenders are kept for a period of time set by a judge
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private worship
when a believer praises or honours god on his or her own
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bringing babies into the world; producing ofspring
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evidence that supports the truth of something
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protection of children
keeping children safe from harm
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an expression of disapproval, often in a public group
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something legally done to somebody as a result of being found guilty of breaking the law
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the intermediate state where souls are cleansed on order to enter heaven
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quality of life
the general well being of a person, in relation to their health and happiness; the theory that the value of life depends upon how good or how satisfying it is
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a sacrament in the catholic church; restoring of harmony after relationships have broken down
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an aim of punishment - to change someone's behaviour for the better
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when someone marries again whilst their former spouse is still alive
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renewable energy
energy that comes from a source that does not run out
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a duty to care for or control something or someone
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1) rising from the dead 2) jesus rising from the dead on easter; central belief of christianity
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deliberately harming someone as a response to them harming you
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an aim of punishment - to get your own back
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god showing himself to believers
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rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace; for catholics, anglicans and many protestants, sacraments are 'outward signs' of 'inward grace'
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saving the soul, deliverance from sin and admission to heaven brought about by jesus
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same-sex marriage
marriage between partners of the same sex
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same-sex parents
people of the same sex who are raising children together
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sanctity of life
all life is holy as it is created and loved by god; christians believe life should not be misused or abused
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name for the devil; the power and source of evil
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the sacred writings of a religion
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self defence
acting to prevent harm to yourself or others
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set prayers
prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person
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sex before marriage
sex between two unmarried people
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sex outside marriage
sex between two people where at least one or both of them is married to someone else; adultery; affair
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sexual stereotyping
having a fixed general or image of how men and women will behave
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1) any action or thought that separates humans from god 2) behaviour which is against god's laws and wishes/ against principles of morality
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social justice
ensuring that society treats people fairly whether they are poor or wealthy and protects people's human rights
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special revelation
god making himself known through direct personal experience or an unusual specific event
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safety and security; a stable society is one in which people's rights are protected and they are able to live peaceful, productive lives without continuous and rapid change
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a family that is formed on the remarriage of a divorced or widowed person and that includes a child or children
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the idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of god
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when people have to face and live with unpleasant events or conditions
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sustainable development
building and progress that tries to reduce the impact on the natural world for future generations
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sustainable development
building and progress that tries to reduce the impact on the natural world for future generations
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ten commandments
ten laws in the old testament given to moses by god
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the unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent civilians, to achieve a political goal
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the great commission
jesus' instruction to his followers that they should spread his teachings to all the nations of the world
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one tenth of annual produce or earnings
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the idea that god is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe; a quality of god
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ultimate reality
the supreme, final, fundamental power in all reality
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all of time and space and its contents
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a person who does not eat animals or food produced by animals; a vegan tries not to use any products that have caused harm to animals
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a person who does not eat meat or fish
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using actions that threaten or harm others
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seeing something that shows something about the nature of god or the afterlife
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fighting between nations to resolve issues between them
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weapons of mass destruction
weapons that can kill large numbers of people and/or cause great damage
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marvelling at the complexity and beauty of something
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


a branch of christinity mainly in eastern europe



Card 3


a branch of christianity, originally named for protesting against some practices of the catholic church, there are many protestant denominations but they all have a central belief that the bible is the only authority for christians


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Card 4


a distinct group within the christian faith with its on organisations and traditions


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Card 5


the supreme being, creator of heaven and earth


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