Radioactivity revision

Radiation revision.

Radioactive substances decay naturally, what do they give off?
alpha beta and gamma radiation
1 of 10
Radioactive decay is a random process so it is not effected by what?
physical conditions such as temperature
2 of 10
What is the definition of a half-life?
the average time that it takes for half of the nucli to decay
3 of 10
Which element has the largest stable nucleus?
4 of 10
An alpha particle is the same as what?
a helium nucleus
5 of 10
What is a beta particle?
a fast moving electron
6 of 10
How is a beta particle emitted from a nucleus?
a neuton changes into a proton and an electron
7 of 10
Why is Gamma radiation diffrent from alpha and beta radiation?
because it is an electromagnetic wave
8 of 10
What radioactive particles can be used in smoke detectors
alpha particles
9 of 10
What could be used to detect gamma radiation used in an industrial tracer?
a geiger counter
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Radioactive decay is a random process so it is not effected by what?


physical conditions such as temperature

Card 3


What is the definition of a half-life?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which element has the largest stable nucleus?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


An alpha particle is the same as what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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