Qualitative Analysis

  • Created by: Tonii R
  • Created on: 20-08-18 07:17
Carbonate (CO3) (2-)
Test: Add dilute acid; Result: Effervescence, carbon dioxide produced
1 of 24
Chloride (Cl) (1-) [in solution]
Test: Acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate; Result: White precipitate
2 of 24
Bromide (Br) (1-) [in solution]
Test: Acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate; Result: Cream precipitate
3 of 24
Iodide (I) (1-) [in solution]
Test: Acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate; Result: Yellow precipitate
4 of 24
Nitrate (NO3) (1-) [in solution]
Test: Add aqueous sodium hydroxide then aluminium foil, warm carefully; Result: ammonia produced
5 of 24
Sulfate (SO4) (2-) [in solution]
Test: Acidify, then add aqueous barium nitrate; White precipitate
6 of 24
Sulfite (SO3) (2-)
Test: Add dilute hydrochloric acid, warm gently and test for the presence of sulfur dioxide; Result: Sulfur dioxide produced
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Aluminium (Al) (3+)
Effect of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: white precipitate, soluble in excess giving a colourless solution; Effect of Aqueous Ammonia: white precipitate, insoluble in excess
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Ammonium (NH4) (1+)
Effect of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: ammonia produced on warming
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Calcium (Ca) (2+)
Effect of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: white precipitate, insoluble in excess; Effect of Aqueous Ammonia: No precipitate or very slight white precipitate
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Chromium(III) (Cr) (3+)
Effect of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: green precipitate, soluble in excess; Effect of Aqueous Ammonia: grey-green precipitate, insoluble in excess
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Copper (Cu) (2+)
Effect of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: light blue precipitate, insoluble in excess; Effects of Aqueous Ammonia: light blue precipitate, soluble in excess giving a dark blue solution
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Iron(II) (Fe) (2+)
Effect of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: green precipitate, insoluble in excess; Effect of Aqueous Ammonia: green precipitate, insoluble in excess
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Iron(III) (Fe) (3+)
Effect of Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide: red-brown precipitate, insoluble in excess; Effect of Aqueous Ammonia: red-brown precipitate, insoluble in excess
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Ammonia (NH3)
Turns damp, red litmus paper blue
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Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Turns limewater milky
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Chlorine (Cl2)
Bleaches damp litmus paper
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Hydrogen (H2)
'Pops' with a lighted splint
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Oxygen (O2)
Relights a glowing splint
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Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Turns acidified aqueous potassium manganate(VII) from purple to colourless
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Lithium (Li +)
Burns with a red flame
21 of 24
Sodium (Na +)
Burns with a yellow flame
22 of 24
Potassium (K +)
Burns with a lilac flame
23 of 24
Copper(II) (Cu 2+)
Burns with a blue-green flame
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Test: Acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate; Result: White precipitate


Chloride (Cl) (1-) [in solution]

Card 3


Test: Acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate; Result: Cream precipitate


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Test: Acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate; Result: Yellow precipitate


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Test: Add aqueous sodium hydroxide then aluminium foil, warm carefully; Result: ammonia produced


Preview of the back of card 5
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