Puritans in Elizabethan England

  • Created by: Anya
  • Created on: 23-05-14 13:40
Where did most Catholic opposition come from according to the revisionist view?
House of Lords
1 of 12
Which Puritan group caused controversy by publishing the Martin Marprelate tracts which attacked bishops, particularly Whitgift?
2 of 12
In which year were the Martin Marprelate tracts published?
3 of 12
How many votes was the Vestment Controversy defeated by, and how many clergy members were removed from office as a result?
One vote and 37 clergy members
4 of 12
What year was the Vestments Controversy?
5 of 12
Why did Grindal, archbishop of Canterbury, refuse to suppress phrophersyings?
He believed they served a useful purpose in training better preaching
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What happened to Grindal after he refuse to suppress the phrophesyings?
He was suspended as Archbishop until his death in 1583
7 of 12
What was the response to the pamphlet 'Admonition to Parliament', published by Field and Wilcox in 1572?
Field and Wilcox were imprisoned and Puritan printing presses were shut down
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In what year was Wentworth sent to the tower for leading a Puritan attack on clerical abuses?
9 of 12
What did the Act of Seditious Secretaries from 1593 allow?
Punishments for non-attendance including banishment and execution
10 of 12
What was the purpose of the High Commission established in the 1580s?
Interrogate bishops to test their loyalty to the church
11 of 12
What year was the execution of Barrow and Greenwood and the Act Against Seditious Secretaries, marking the end of the separatist movement?
12 of 12

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Card 2


Which Puritan group caused controversy by publishing the Martin Marprelate tracts which attacked bishops, particularly Whitgift?



Card 3


In which year were the Martin Marprelate tracts published?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many votes was the Vestment Controversy defeated by, and how many clergy members were removed from office as a result?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What year was the Vestments Controversy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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