Threat of the Puritans to Elizabeth

  • Events:
    • 1559 - First Elizabethan Parliament - Religious Settlement established
    • 1566 - The Vestiarian Controversy, Archbishop of Canterbury (ABofC) Matthew Parker's Advertisements are published. 
    • 1571 - Cartwright's Presbyterian lectures at Cambridge & William Strickland's Alphabet Bills (Bills to reform the Prayer Book)
    • 1572 - Admonition to Parliament- a Puritan manifesto written by John Field and Thomas Wilcox demanded that Queen Elizabeth I restore the “purity” to the Church of England (CofE) and eliminate the remaining Roman Catholic elements and practices from the CofE.
    • 1575 - Edmund Grindal becomes ABofC.
    • 1576 - Grindal refuse, s orders to suppress prophesyings.
    • 1577 - Grindal suspended and placed under house arrest.
    • 1583 - Death of Grindal, John Whitgift appointed ABofC. Issues Three Articles.
    • 1584 - Anthony Cope's "Bill and Book" vetoed by the Queen.
    • 1588 - The Martin Marprelate tracts - pamphlets circulated across illegally in England. Their principal focus was an attack on the episcopacy of the Anglican Church.
    • 1593 - Act against Seditious Sectaries passed, making Puritanism an offence.
    • 1595 - Whitgift's Lambeth Articles - 9 doctrinal statements drawn up by ABofC John Whitgift in order to define Calvinist doctrine with regard to predestination and justification.
  • Why did Puritans oppose the Religious Settlement?
    • Theology of the Church
      • Puritans were pleased with the theology of the Church as it set out the Calvinist belief of predestination. 
      • This essential part of Calvinist theology was shared by all in the church - from puritans to conservatives like AB Whitgift.
    • Liturgy of the Church
      • they were opposed to vestments (the Vestments controversy in 1565-6) bowing at the name of Jesus, candles in church, signing the cross in the baptism service, using a ring in the marriage service, keeping Holy Days and mixing of the words of the 1549 and 1552 prayer book to cause ambiguity about the administration of communion.
      • these were all seen to be superstitious by the Godly and as the means by which Satan could seduce the faithful from their proper worship.
    • Discipline and Structure of the Church
      • Most Puritans accepted the church structure.
      • A minority that refused to accept the structure were presbyterians - they challenged episcopacy, preferring…


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