psychology UNIT TWO

  • Created by: hewer
  • Created on: 18-05-24 20:40
external validity
able to generalize to a larger amount of people
doesn't lack ecological value
1 of 34
external reliability
are they consistent
test re-test
2 of 34
internal validity
to see casual relationship between ID and DV
3 of 34
internal reliability
how consistent the test is
4 of 34
dependent variable
the thing getting manipulated/ tested
5 of 34
independent variable
the variable that changes
6 of 34
matched pairs
two sets of groups paired by age,gender,ethnicity
7 of 34
independent experiment
one group of participants
8 of 34
unstructured interview: more opened questions
strucutred: more closed questions
9 of 34
opportunity sampling
on billboard, newspaper
you sign yourself up
10 of 34
systemic sampeling/stratified sampling
systemic: every nth person
every nth person with the same gender or age
11 of 34
specified to characteristics
selected on predetermined characteristics
12 of 34
stratified just not random
natural normally real-life situations
13 of 34
snowball sampeling
opportunity sampling and you just refer your friends
14 of 34
event sampling/time sampeling
event sampling: You only measure certain behavior
time sampling: how the data is testing how a behavior is preformed over 10 minutes intervals
15 of 34
take privacy very serious
effects vegetative sate
16 of 34
not debriefing
not encouraging the truth
17 of 34
how to deal with a lack of ethics
ethic communities
ethical guidance
18 of 34
working with animals
understand cognitive capabilities
19 of 34
nominal data
in order a order
20 of 34
always at zero
21 of 34
every nth person. Every five girls will get tested
22 of 34
Survey questions
How happy are you between one to ten
23 of 34
Researcher hypothesis
testable prediction
anticipated result
it is data guided so it's scientific
24 of 34
alternative hypothesis
null hypothesis argued
25 of 34
directional/non-directional hypothesis
its directed at what will happen
non-directional: its a prediction
26 of 34
confounding variables
other than the independent variable an effect could be made. for example the light effecting concentration not sleep
27 of 34
the DV resulted expectations from the manipulation of ID
things can be ALTERED
28 of 34
how the experient it carried out and measured
29 of 34
extraneous variables
potential effect of result
30 of 34
participant observations
the researcher is an active participant
31 of 34
non-participant observations
ovbserving tested group
32 of 34
correlational studies
relationship between two or more variables
33 of 34
case studies
method of research
34 of 34

Other cards in this set

Card 2


external reliability


are they consistent
test re-test

Card 3


internal validity


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


internal reliability


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


dependent variable


Preview of the front of card 5
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