Psychology Revision

What are Discrete Skills?
Short period and exact beginning and end
1 of 12
What is the definition of a closed Skill?
Occur in a stable, Stationary and predictable environment
2 of 12
Describe Abilities
Abilities are stable enduring traits which are gentetically determined
3 of 12
What is the first stage within the information processing model?
Stimulus Identification
4 of 12
What is the response programming stage?
Where the individual organises the motor system to produce the desired movement
5 of 12
What is Hicks Law?
Describes the relationship between choice reaction time and the number of stimulus-response alternatives
6 of 12
Sensory information that comes primarily from sources in the muscles and joints and from bodily movement is called
7 of 12
What is a closed loop control used for?
A process to maintain the desired goal using feedback and a comparator
8 of 12
What are 4 organismic constraints?
Muscle size, Cognitive Development,Emotional Development and Limb Length
9 of 12
What answer is the comparison of individuals performance?
Outcome goals
10 of 12
What Happens during the motor stage?
individuals focus on refining the skill
11 of 12
Distributed Practice is....
Rest is relatively longer than amount of time practicing
12 of 12

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Card 2


What is the definition of a closed Skill?


Occur in a stable, Stationary and predictable environment

Card 3


Describe Abilities


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the first stage within the information processing model?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the response programming stage?


Preview of the front of card 5
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