Psychology Paper 3 - Forensic Psychology

What is offender profiling?
-Creating a profile/picture of the offender using details from the crime scene, the victim and the location.
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Describe what the top down approach is and how it was developed.
-Start with an established typology (categories) and assign individuals into these categories based on the crime committed.
-Developed by the FBI. They interviewed 36 serial killers to develop a database on who is likely to commit a crime.
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What are characteristics of an organised crime?
-Behaviour towards the victim: victim targeted, controlling conversation.
-Crime scene detail: weapon is absent, body hidden, body moved, scene cleaned up.
-Characteristics of the criminal: highly intelligent, socially competent, sexually competent, skill
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What are characteristics of a disorganises crime?
-Behaviour towards victim: victim selected at random, crime unplanned, avoids conversation.
-crime scene detail: weapon present, sexual activity after death.
-characteristics of the criminal: average or low intelligence, socially immature, sexually incomp
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filler card.
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Card 2


Describe what the top down approach is and how it was developed.


-Start with an established typology (categories) and assign individuals into these categories based on the crime committed.
-Developed by the FBI. They interviewed 36 serial killers to develop a database on who is likely to commit a crime.

Card 3


What are characteristics of an organised crime?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are characteristics of a disorganises crime?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


filler card.


Preview of the front of card 5


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