Psychology Memory

how is short term memory encoded, how long for and up to how many items
acoustic, 15-30s,7 items +or- 2
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how is long term memory encoded, how long for and up to how many items
semantic, lifetime, unlimited
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declarative vs. non-declarative
consciously recall vs. do not consciously recall
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are episodic, procedural and semantic declarative and what part of the brain are they associated with
e= declarative, right prefrontal cortex
p=non-declarative, motor cortex
s= declarative, left prefrontal cortex
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encoding aim, RM, ED, IV, DV, control
aim= investigate if there was a difference in the type of encoding used in stm and ltm.
RM= l
control= amount of words
IV= which word list pp. were assigned
DV= order in which recalled list
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procedure= 4 groups (A,B,C,D)
each group got a list (12 sets of 5 words from a list)
pps. heard words at rate of 1/s.
LA=a. sim, LB=a. diss, LC=s.sim, LD=s.diss
A+B= immediate recall
C+D= recall after 20mins
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results and conclusion
B recalled better than A
D recalled better than C

STM= a. LTM= s.
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P) well controlled E)=>no. of words E)=> controlled potential e.vs, more confident only IV affected DV L)=>increases validity and confidence that results accurate

P) may not have tested LTM E)=> list C+D only waited 20mins b4 recall E)=>may be too short
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Atkinson and Shiffrin
multi store model of memory...
(1st flashcard)
sensory register= senses, less than 1/2s, v. high
chunking= increase digit span by chunking together
stimuli=> sensory register=> STM=> maintenance rehearsal= remains in STM=> prolonged rehearsal= LTM
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P) many studies which finding support E) Baddley= STM= a, LTM= s E) supports MSM, shows STM and LTM= independant/separate stores L) credible(supported by valid research)
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P)Memory= more complex than suggested E) amnesia patients(CW)= diff. types of STM and LTM E) STM= separate v+a stores. LTM divided into e,s,p. L) too simplistic to explain memory (doesn't consider that the types of m. may have multiple stores
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Murdock aim, RM, ED, IV, DV, control, sample
Serial Position Curve
aim= to investigate if memory of words was affected by no. of words a person had to remember.
IV= recalled list after heard it
DV= no. of words in list (10-40)
control= how common words were
sample= 103 psych students
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procedure and results
p= 1) 103 psych students listened to 20 word lists (10-40 words)
2) recalled after heard it

results= primacy and recency effect
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results show serial position effect (position of word affects chance of recall)
Recency effect= strongest
3) supports MSM (1st words=rehearsed= LTM and last words remained in STM)
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P) well controlled E) familiar English words E) Controlled potential e.vs (lack of familiarity = more confident only IV affecting DV L) increases validity and confidence in results
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P) artificial task to test memory E) used word lists E) only tells us about how we memorise words, but irl we remember more L) only tells us abt. 1 specific type of memory= results aren't generalisable. Lacks mundane realism.
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Bartlett aim, RM, ED, IV, DV, ethics, sample
Reconstructive Memory
Aim= To investigate how memory is reconstructed when people are asked to recall something repeatedly over a period of weeks and months
RM= lab
ED= ig
IV= time between hearing the story and recalling it
DV= recall of the story
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procedure, results and conclusion
p= used serial reproductions
r= story shortened due to omissions (330-180)
changed words (canoe=>boat)
c= we do not remember the whole story, we remember the meaning and interpret it using our social and cultural expectations
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P) not well controlled E) conducted w. no set standards abt. how and where pps. recalled info. Also told accuracy was not important E) Cannot replicate to see if results reliable L) findings may not be valid, might have underestimated accuracy of memory
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P) The War of the Ghosts story used was unusual E) mentions "war-party', pps. unlikely to have encountered irl E) procedure tells us v. little abt. accuracy of everyday memory L) =memory for everyday life may be more accurate than suggested
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Theory of Reconstructive Memory
-memory= inaccurate, use schemas to understand new info, active not passive, reconstruct, info stored in fragments (gaps and diff. reconstruction each time), S+C influence, Effort after meaning.
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P) can explain issues with EWT E) previously seen as reliable evidence in court to sentence people E)Research into TORM= memory not always accurate and can influenced= no longer sole piece of evidence L) has useful real world application= has improved EWT
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P) suggests all memories inaccurate/ affected by s.e. E)Wynn+Logie asked psych students to recall 1st week of uni= recall accurate 24 weeks later E)W+L research= things personally important= memory accurate L)this research=don't always actively recon.
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Interference aim, RM, ED, IV, DV, control
McGeoch and McDonald =Proactive, Retroactive
Aim=To investigate the effect of learning 2nd activity has on accuracy of memory
IV= list shown (syn, ant, unrel. adj., nos. syls., nos., control)
DV= recall of the 1st list
control=had to recall 1
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results and conclusion
r= most accurate recall= control group (no interference), more similar material= produced least accurate recall

c= results show that i. is strongest when an intervening activity is similar.
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P) I. studies often= artificial task E) eg. =Mc+Mc= used word lists to test how 2nd mem. affects og. E) Word lists= only tells us how we mem. words, but irl= more L) As a result= i. affects mem. in specific conditions= cannot be generalised
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P) studies= suggest mem. is not affected by i. E) Tulving and Psotka= if pps. given cued recall test= recall forgotten things E) Suggests that info =still stored in mem., but not accessible until cued L) as a result= not explanation for forgetting
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context aim, RM, ED, IV, DV, control
(Godden+Baddeley) aim= to investigate if context affects accuracy of memory.
control=no. of words
sample=13 scuba divers
iv=the context where it was learned/ recalled (beach or water)
dv=no. of words recalled out of 36.
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1) listened to 36 unrelated words on beach or underwater
2) after 4 mins, had to recall on beach or underwater
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Results and Conclusion
r= Group 1+4 had highest context, but, Group 2+3 had lowest context.

c= the context of learning does trigger info and enhances accuracy of our memory.
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P) often use artificial tasks E)G+B used word lists E) using word lists= only tells us abt. how we mem. words, but irl we remember more L) CS studies using such tasks= only how C affects mem. in specific conditions, not generalisable
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P) often recall tested after a short time E) pps. were asked to recall after 4mins. E) recalling immediately= only using STM, to generalise C effects to more situations= need longer time gap L) C.S= only tell us how C affects STM, not LTM
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False memories aim, RM, ED, IV, DV, control
Loftus+Pickrell Aim= to investigate if false memories can be created in pps.
IV=type of story true/false
DV=wheter pp. can identify false memories
sample= 24pp.
ethics=lacks i.c and protection against harm
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1) 24 pps. heard 4 short stories (3 true, 1 false)
2) false= lost in shopping centre and rescued by old lady
3) write down what they recalled
4) after 1/2 weeks, recalled again
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results and conclusion
r= 25% recalled f.m., 79% chose correct f.m.

c= we have the potential to create and implement f.m. F.m. are an example of reduced accuracy in mem.
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P) can help explain issues w. EWT E) Previously, seen as reliable evidence E) After a crime, police need to be careful not to ask leading questions which may implant f.m No loner seen as reliable. L) Real world application (have improved EWT)
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P) often involve artificial task E) tried to implant f.m. event of being lost in a mall E) trivial= not v. memorable, can have traumatic/v. memorable things L) only how we can implant non-traumatic f.m and cannot be generalised
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


how is long term memory encoded, how long for and up to how many items


semantic, lifetime, unlimited

Card 3


declarative vs. non-declarative


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


are episodic, procedural and semantic declarative and what part of the brain are they associated with


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


encoding aim, RM, ED, IV, DV, control


Preview of the front of card 5
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