Psychology - CORE STUDIES - DEVELOPMENTAL AREA (behaviourists)

BANDURA - hypotheses ( 4)
exposure to aggression will reproduce aggressive acts; observing non-aggressive will inhibit; more imitations if same sex model; boys more agression
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BANDURA - pps, design
36 boys and 36 girls, mean age 52 months; lab and matched pairs (from levels of aggression in nursery)
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BANDURA - procedure
control group who saw no model, 24 aggressive and 24 non aggressive; 1st room = shown model, 2nd room = not allowed to play with toys; 3rd = observed whilst playing, time point sample recording imitations and non imitations
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BANDURA - results
seeing aggression = more aggressive acts; boys more aggressive; both genders showed more aggression if model was male
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BANDURA - conclusion
observing behaviour causes imitation, even without rewards
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BANDURA - data, ethics, setting,reliability
both data types; parental consent but exposure to violence could affect later - cost benefit?; controls reduced EVS individual differences with matched pairs; standardised = reliable
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BANDURA - representativeness, reliability, applications
unrepresentative - kids, small, uni nursery = similar backgrounds; high inter rater reliability; supported by whole TV industry - watershed, certification
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CHANEY - aim
test if operant conditioning could improve medical compliance
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CHANEY - pps, design
22 boys 10 girls, mean age 3.2, field, repeated measures
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CHANEY - procedure
IV= device, DV= compliance; parents filled in questionnaire about current inhaler, used funhaler for 2 weeks (self reinforcement) then did another questionnaire
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CHANEY - results
improved compliance, correct dosage increased 50 to 80%, less problems and more satisfaction
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CHANEY - conclusion
self reinforcement makes devices more effective and improves health
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CHANEY - design, data, ethics, replicability
repeated measures could mean order effects but reduces pp variables; quantitative easy comparison; parental consent; standardised = replicable
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CHANEY - validity; representativeness, applications
high ecological val but self report could mean social desirability reduces val; unrepresentative - australian, small, kids; medical compliance could lower admissions and improve health
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BANDURA VS CHANEY - design, standardisation, ethics, method
lab vs field; replicability in both; both parental consent but bandura had ethic problems; observation VS self report
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high validity from inter rater VS low validity from self report but high Ecological validity
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BANDURA VS CHANEY - ethnocentrism/representative
both ethnocentric and unrepresentative - small uni VS small australian
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BANDURA VS CHANEY - applications
prevent violence VS improve medical compliance and health
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nature/nurture - born aggressive/learn it, determinism - aggression determined by model VS situational - funhalers features cause its success
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


BANDURA - pps, design


36 boys and 36 girls, mean age 52 months; lab and matched pairs (from levels of aggression in nursery)

Card 3


BANDURA - procedure


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


BANDURA - results


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


BANDURA - conclusion


Preview of the front of card 5
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