Psychology - Attachment


1. Which of these is NOT a core belief proposed by learning theory

  • The mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa) at birth
  • Biology can affect behaviour
  • All behaviours are learned
  • All animals learn in the same way
1 of 20

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2. Who studied the critical period of chicks

  • Schaffer
  • Harlow
  • Lorenz
  • Hazan & Shaver

3. In which stage of attachment can babies tell the difference between familiar and unfamiliar faces

  • pre attachment
  • multiple attachment
  • indiscriminate attachment
  • discriminate attachment

4. Who conducted a study on baby monkeys

  • Lorenz
  • Schaffer & Emerson
  • Harlow
  • Hazan & Shaver

5. Which of these is NOT a weakness of the Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg study

  • Culturally biased
  • Sample size relative to country
  • Standardised
  • Secondary data


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