PSYA3 Relationships

Formation - Who developed the reward need satisfaction theory?
Byrne and Clore
1 of 35
Formation - Who developed the filter model?
Kierchoff and Davis
2 of 35
Formation - Who created the halo effect?
3 of 35
Formation - Which study supported that we associate people with events?
4 of 35
Formation - Who criticised Griffith's study due to strange methods?
5 of 35
Formation - Which study found that research is gender bias as women are more giving so theory may not apply to them?
6 of 35
Formation - Which study found that reward need is limited by doing a lap dance study?
7 of 35
Formation - Which study offered support for proximity as a filter?
8 of 35
Formation - Which study offers support for physical attractiveness as a filter?
9 of 35
Maintenance - Who developed the social exchange theory?
Thibaut and Kelley
10 of 35
Maintenance - Which study used social exchange to explain abusive relationships?
Rusbault and Martz.
11 of 35
Maintenance - Which study suggestes 1 way of dealing with potential threats in relationships is to reduce them?
12 of 35
Maintenance - Who developed equity theory?
Messick and cook
13 of 35
Maintenance - Which study support equity theory using a longitudinal study?
Van Ipren and Bunk
14 of 35
Maintenance - Which study disputes theory as not all relationships are based on economics?
Clarke and Mills
15 of 35
Maintenance - Which study is used to show theory may only apply to western cultures?
16 of 35
Breakdown - Who developed the predisposing and precipitating factors?
17 of 35
Breakdown - Which study found that lack of stimulation often quoted when breaking up?
18 of 35
Breakdown - Who said that uni places great strain on existing relationships and often leads to breakdown?
19 of 35
Breakdown - Which study supported lack of skill/stimulation and found affairs may be direct reaction to perceived lack of skill?
20 of 35
Breakdown - Which study found that there is little decrease in relationship satisfaction if could reunite regularly?
Holt and Stone
21 of 35
Breakdown - Who developed the model of breakdown?
Rollie and Duck
22 of 35
Breakdown - Which study offers support for the model of breakdown by surveying students recently broken up?
Tashiro and Frazier
23 of 35
Breakdown - Which study suggested that instigators of breakup suffer fewer negative effects so model doesn't apply equally to them?
24 of 35
Sexual Selection - Which study looked at personal ads and supports evolutionary theory of sexual selection.
25 of 35
Sexual Selection - Which study shows the importance of fertility in mate choices?
26 of 35
Childhood - Who suggested that what we experience as romantic love is an integration of 3 behavioural systems from infancy?
27 of 35
Childhood - Which study supports childhood attachment impacts adult relationships (love quiz)
Hazan and Shaver
28 of 35
Childhood - Who suggested those abused in childhood find it hard to trust, have sense of isolation.
29 of 35
Childhood - Who suggested that people who suffer childhood abuse form disorganised relationships.
Van der Kolt and Fisher
30 of 35
Childhood - Which study supported abused children have difficulty developing relationships?
Berenson and Anderton
31 of 35
Childhood - Who suggested children learn from experiences with other children?
Qualter and Munn
32 of 35
Childhood - Who claimed that child friendships work as 'training ground' for adult relationships?
33 of 35
Childhood - Which study suggested the gender differences in childhood relationships?
Richard and Schnieder
34 of 35
Childhood - Which non-human animal study shows importance of peer relationships?
35 of 35

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Formation - Who developed the filter model?


Kierchoff and Davis

Card 3


Formation - Who created the halo effect?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Formation - Which study supported that we associate people with events?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Formation - Who criticised Griffith's study due to strange methods?


Preview of the front of card 5
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