Protective Tariffs and Political Alliances


1. What happened to negotiations between Bismark and NLs in 1877?

  • Broke down when Liberals then insisted that a futher congress should also join the Prussian Governmant (right wing)
  • Broke down when Liberals then insisted that a futher congress should also join the Prussian Governmant (left wing of party)
  • Broke down when Liberals then insisted that a futher congress should also join the Russian Government
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2. Before 1879, who had been incharge of economic matters?

  • Rudolf DelBruck
  • Bismarck
  • Wilhelm 2

3. What was the last straw in Bismarck's partnership with National Liberals?

  • Their support for free trade
  • Their support of International goods
  • Their supoport of Protectionism

4. Disadvantage of PROTECTIONISM?

  • Good from from countries are minimal
  • Goods from other countries are more expensive
  • Good from other countries are of date by the time they make it to

5. Give 2 reasons why Bismarck introduced protective Tariffs?

  • - Sympathetic to Junker Class and The price of wheat and rye was declining (1871 = 283 marks per tonne, 1879 = 198 marks per tonne)
  • - Sympathetic to Junker Class and The price of wheat was rising (1871 = 700marks per tonne, 1879 = 400marks per tonne)
  • - not sympathetic to Junker Class and The price of wheat and rye was declining (1871 = 6000marks per tonne, 1879 = 999marks per tonne)


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