Pride and Prejudice

  • Created by: sianheer
  • Created on: 08-05-19 15:09
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife". "A clergyman like you must marry"
Rich men were expected to marry. Imperative "must" showing there is no other option and it is necessary. In Austen's day, a single woman without a fortune needed a husband.
1 of 7
"I ask only a comfortable home"
Charlotte doesn't care about love. It wasn't seen as lady-like for upper-class women to work - marriage was the only way a woman could become financially stable
2 of 7
"declined being introduced to any other lady"
3 of 7
"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me"
He thinks that everyone in the room is beneath and inferior to him. Doesn't dance with Elizabeth - rude and arrogant
4 of 7
"you will not be fit to be seen when you get there"
Elizabeth is determined to see Jane at Netherfield - Mrs Bennet shows the social conventions that whenever a lady were to go out, they needed to have a male escort beside them
5 of 7
"His behaviour to myself has been scandalous". "sees him only as he chuses to be seen"
Wickham is telling Elizabeth that Darcy treated him out of inheritance. Darcy portrayed as arrogant and untrustworthy
6 of 7
"The sight of miss Lucas was odious to her"
(about Mrs Bennet). Mrs Bennet is resentful of Charlotte. Hates her for 'stealing' Mr Collins from her daughter
7 of 7

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Card 2


Charlotte doesn't care about love. It wasn't seen as lady-like for upper-class women to work - marriage was the only way a woman could become financially stable


"I ask only a comfortable home"

Card 3




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Card 4


He thinks that everyone in the room is beneath and inferior to him. Doesn't dance with Elizabeth - rude and arrogant


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Card 5


Elizabeth is determined to see Jane at Netherfield - Mrs Bennet shows the social conventions that whenever a lady were to go out, they needed to have a male escort beside them


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