Prevention of diseases

What is a vaccination ?
A vaccination is a modified bacteria or virus that is injected into the animal to stimulate the immune system to fight it off, so that if the animal is infected by the same microorganism there immune system can respond faster.
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What are some good husbandry techniques ?
Cleaning and disinfecting animal equipment (housing, fencing, bedding, food bowls, water bottles).
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What are some measures to prevent spread of disease ?
Isolation of sick animals. Quarantine of new animals to prevent spreading. Culling and euthanasia, kill all infected animals as well as those animals in close contact with infected ones.
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What diseases do dogs need to be vaccinated against ?
Canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, leptospirosis and infectious canine hepatitis.
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What diseases do cats need to be vaccinated against ?
Feline infectious enteritis, feline herpes virus, feline calicivirus and feline leukaemia virus.
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What diseases do rabbits need to be vaccinated against ?
Myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease.
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What diseases do goats need to be vaccinated against ?
Enterotoxemia, tetanus and orf virus
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What diseases do bearded dragons need to be vaccinated against ?
No vaccination
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Card 2


What are some good husbandry techniques ?


Cleaning and disinfecting animal equipment (housing, fencing, bedding, food bowls, water bottles).

Card 3


What are some measures to prevent spread of disease ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What diseases do dogs need to be vaccinated against ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What diseases do cats need to be vaccinated against ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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