Prenatal Development & Infancy

What is the name of the earliest conception period?
Zygote (1-2 weeks) which multiplies to become a Blastocyst
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What develops at weeks 3-8?
Embryo stage: Brain and spinal chord at primitive level, major internal organs
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What develops at weeks 9-12/ Trimester 1?
Fetus: nervous system, organs and muscles organised & connected, kicking and sucking thumb
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What develops at weeks 13-24? /Trimester 2?
Fetus: All neurones developed by 24 weeks, sensitive to sound and light.
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What develops at weeks 25-38? /Trimester 3
Maturation of lungs, fat added underneath skin?
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Early exposure to teratogens is more likely to result in what?
Major structural abnormalities
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Later exposure to teratogens is more likely to result in what?
Physiological defects& structural abnormalities that are more minor
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Which babies are most susceptible to developmental problems?
Babies small for date
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What problems are often faced by premature babies and their parents emotionally?
Less easy to soothe, more difficulties with bonding
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What problems are often faced by premature babies physically?
Problems with breathing and regulation of body temperature
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What causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
Alcohol interferes with cell duplication and deliverance of adequate oxygen
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How does smoking affect fetal development?
Low birth weight, some indication that it may cause behavioural problems later on.
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What are the genetic determinants of developmental abnormalities?
Deletion and duplication of chromosomes can lead to abnormalities.
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Why do doctors test babies reflexes?
very good indication of the health of the CNS
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What two terms refer to the trend by which babies motor strength develops?
Cephalocaudal trend and Proximodistal trend
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What trend refers to the top down development of motor strength?
Cephalocaudal trend
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What trend refers to the core to outward development of motor dexterity and strength?
Proximodistal trend
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What are the sensual strengths and weaknesses of babies?
Strengths: Smell, Taste, Touch, Hearing ; Weaknesses: Vision
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What kind of sounds to babies prefer?
Complex & Speech like sounds.
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What are the three visual cues?
Kinetic, Binocular, Pictorial
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What develops at weeks 3-8?


Embryo stage: Brain and spinal chord at primitive level, major internal organs

Card 3


What develops at weeks 9-12/ Trimester 1?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What develops at weeks 13-24? /Trimester 2?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What develops at weeks 25-38? /Trimester 3


Preview of the front of card 5
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