powder flow

  • Created by: anna888
  • Created on: 19-02-23 15:59
what are 3 importnaces of powder flow
means efficeny in manufacturing, correct doage weight, and hardness
1 of 10
name two driving forces
gravity and mechanical force
2 of 10
name two reisistive force
cohesion/adhesion and friction
3 of 10
describe cohesion/adhesion. what are the forces involved
cohesion-2 chemically different surfaces being attracted together. adhesion- two chemically similar surfaces being attracted together. v der waals, electrostatic, mehanical interlocking
4 of 10
describe friction
occurs between contact surfaces when one is in motion. acts in opposite direction to movement
5 of 10
describe properties effecting powder flow and the best conditions
desnsity (higher), shape (round), size (higher), moisture (moderate), surface texture ( smooth)
6 of 10
what is specific surface area. what is it of a small molecule and explain flowability
ssa= tsa/mass. small particle= small sa= large tsa= large ssa. large ssa means inreased bonding interactions so increased resistive forces so reduced flowability
7 of 10
describe 3 types of density
bulk= solid particles + entrapped air. traped density= solid particles + minimal entrapped air as air forced out via pharmaopeial methods particle density= true density
8 of 10
describe the two particle flow patterns
mass flow- first in first out, good flowability. funnel flow- last in first out, poor flowability
9 of 10
describe 3 methods of measuring flowability- whats best flowability
1. flow rate- powder discharged over time. 2. density ratios- carrs index and hausner ratio 3. angle of repose -steepness. the smaller the better
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


name two driving forces


gravity and mechanical force

Card 3


name two reisistive force


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


describe cohesion/adhesion. what are the forces involved


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


describe friction


Preview of the front of card 5
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