Post war reconstruction Truman

Why did Truman fear unemployment?
12 million veterans demobilized returned and wartime production ceased
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What did the GI Bill of Rights do?
Offer veterans 52 weeks unemployment pay, loans for education, homes or businesses (8 million benefitted)
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What increased the demand for new homes and consumer goods?
The post war baby boom
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What caused inflation?
consumer goods shortages (demand exceed supply), federal government budget deficits, weakening of Roosevelts OPA by Congress
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What was the OPA?
Roosevelts Office of Price Administartion
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What was Truman blamed for?
Inflation hit 25% in 1945-46, he failed to win Congress support for the OPA
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Workers wanted pay rises to combat inflation. This led to
1946, 800,000 steelworkers strike in January, 400,000 miners in April
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What act decreased Union power?
Taft Hartley act 1947, unions liable for breach of contract, joining a union could not be a condition of employment, President offer 80 day cooling off period
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What was the reforming legislation in Trumans Fair Deal?
Free healthcare, full employment, improve education, federally funded low cost housing, higher minimum wage, civil rights legislation
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How many legislation did Congress veto?
250 congressional bills
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Why were relations between Truman and Congress poor?
Congress felt presidential power increased too much under Roosevelt,1946 Republicans took control of Congress, lib democrats critisized Trumans failure to pass reform legislation, Southern democrats considered Truman too liberal civil rights, unions
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What were Trumans legislative successes?
Full employment Act 1946, Social security extended to 1 million more Americans 1950, minimum wage raised to $0.75 1950
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What did the Housing Act 1949 promise?
810,000 federally funded public housing for low income Americans
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How many were actually built?
156,000 by 1953
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the GI Bill of Rights do?


Offer veterans 52 weeks unemployment pay, loans for education, homes or businesses (8 million benefitted)

Card 3


What increased the demand for new homes and consumer goods?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What caused inflation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the OPA?


Preview of the front of card 5
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