population definitions

the study of population
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exponetial growth
the rapid growth of the world's popualtion. A pattern where growth rate constantly increases
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population distribution
the way in which people are spread out across the earth's surface
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population density
the number of people living in an area, usually a square km
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choropleth map
these maps are usually used to show population density
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birth rate
the number of live births per 1000 people per year
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death rate
the number of deaths per 1000 people per year
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natural increase
this gives the growth rate of the population difference between birth and death rate. BR-DR=NI
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Natural decrease
this when the population is decreasing. the death rate exceeds the birth rate. BR - DR = the answer will be negative
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natural change
this is the difference between BR and DR expressed as a percentage. so therefore it must be divide by 10. BR - DR divide by 10
10 of 10

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Card 2


the rapid growth of the world's popualtion. A pattern where growth rate constantly increases


exponetial growth

Card 3


the way in which people are spread out across the earth's surface


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Card 4


the number of people living in an area, usually a square km


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Card 5


these maps are usually used to show population density


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