Population Revision

What are the three main causes to population change?
Births, Deaths and Migration.
1 of 18
Definition of Birth Rate
Number of babies born per 1,000 people in a county per year.
2 of 18
Definition of Death rate
Number of people who die per 1,000 people in a county per year.
3 of 18
Definition of Migration
The movement of people into an area/ country.
4 of 18
Definition of Emigration
The movement of people from an area/ country.
5 of 18
What is natural increase and how do you calculate it?
The difference between the birth rate and death rate of a country; natural increase= Birth rate - Death rate
6 of 18
What is the population like in MEDCs?
low population growth rates, with low death rates and low birth rates.
7 of 18
How can you tell if a population will decline/increase?
Population will decline if death rate is greater than birth rate. It will increase if death rate is less than birth rate.
8 of 18
What is the population like in LEDCs?
high population growth rates, both birth rates and death rates tend to be high (despite improvements in healthcare, BR still high whilst DR is falling).
9 of 18
What does a population pyramid tell us?
An area's population, how many dependants there are, birth and death rates as well as life expectancy.
10 of 18
How many dependants do LEDCs and MEDCs have?
Many LEDCs have a high number of young dependants (below 15), whilst many MEDCs have a growing number of elderly dependants (above 65).
11 of 18
What would be the structure for an ageing population?
Very low birth rate- looks like an upside-down pyramid.
12 of 18
What does a pyramid with a fairly straight lines show?(barrel shape)
A population with a falling birth rate and a rising life expectancy.
13 of 18
What does a triangular pyramid show?
Shows a population with a high number of young dependants and a low life expectancy.
14 of 18
What happens to the pyramid as a country develops?
The shape changes from triangular to barrel-like.
15 of 18
What do the dependants rely upon?
The economically active for economic support.
16 of 18
What side are the females and males on?
left side- men; right side- women
17 of 18
What does the DTM Model stand for?
Demographic Transition Model.
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Definition of Birth Rate


Number of babies born per 1,000 people in a county per year.

Card 3


Definition of Death rate


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Definition of Migration


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Definition of Emigration


Preview of the front of card 5
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