
Flash cards for Polymers

Alkenes can be used to make Polymers such as ....(......) and ....(.....). In these reactions many small ........
Alkenes can be used to make Polymers such as poly(ehtene)and poly(propene)In these reactions many small ........
1 of 5
List uses of Polymers?
new packaging materials, waterproof coating for fabrics, dental polymers, wound dressings, hydeogels,smart materials (including shape memory polymers)
2 of 5
Many Polymers are not ............., so they are not ...... down mircrobes and this can lead to problems with waste disposal
Many Polymers are not biodegradable so they are not broken down mircrobes and this can lead to problems with waste disposal
3 of 5
Plastic bags are being made from ........ and cornstarch do that they break down more eaisly. ............. plastics made from cornstarch have been developed
Plastic bags are being made from Polymers and cornstarch do that they break down more eaisly. Biodegradable plastics made from cornstarch have been developed
4 of 5
What does Poly mean ?
Polymers means many.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


new packaging materials, waterproof coating for fabrics, dental polymers, wound dressings, hydeogels,smart materials (including shape memory polymers)


List uses of Polymers?

Card 3


Many Polymers are not biodegradable so they are not broken down mircrobes and this can lead to problems with waste disposal


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Card 4


Plastic bags are being made from Polymers and cornstarch do that they break down more eaisly. Biodegradable plastics made from cornstarch have been developed


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Card 5


Polymers means many.


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