Political Philosophers

  • Created by: Preema
  • Created on: 21-09-12 10:37
who distinguished between actions that are 'self regarding' and 'other regarding' actions?
John stuart mill
1 of 29
Who had a positive view of human nature?
2 of 29
Who came up with the ' two concepts of liberty'?
3 of 29
Which of the 5 evils is missing Ignorance, want, disease, idleness?
4 of 29
What is a economic lassiez faire?
Invisible hand/leave alone
5 of 29
What did John Rawls say about economic inequality?
It is only justifiable if it works to the benefit of the poorest in society
6 of 29
What is the opposite of the 'invisble hand'?
Dead hand
7 of 29
Who proposed the idea of the 'Invisible hand'?
Adam Smith
8 of 29
What did Locke say that the proper function of government is?
To protect life, liberty & property. therefore the government should be limited.
9 of 29
I detest what you say but will defend to death you right to say it, Who said this?
10 of 29
What did John Locke say about freedom?
'Where there is no law there is no freedom' this means that freedom can only be provided by a government capable of restraining all groups and individuals in society, freedom can only exist under the law
11 of 29
Who came up with the theory of 'state of nature'?
Hobbes & Locke
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What form of freedom believed in meritocracy?
Negative freedom
13 of 29
'The drunk in the gutter is where he ought to be' Who said this?
William Sumner
14 of 29
Who developed the 'Social contract theory'?
Hobbes & Locke
15 of 29
Who proposed the seperation of powers & what does it prevent?
Montesquieu, it prevents any individual or small group from gaining absolute power
16 of 29
What is individualism?
Is the belief in the supreme importance of the individual over any social group or collective body
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Give the definition of Atomism?
A belief that society is made up of a collection, of self-interested and largely self- sufficient individuals, or atoms, rather than social groups
18 of 29
Who said 'power tends to corrupt & absolute power corrupts absolutely'?
Lord Acton
19 of 29
Who described government as the 'tyranny of the majority'?
Alexis de Tocqueville
20 of 29
If liberty is unlimited it can become licensed; John Stuart Mill. What does this mean?
IF we have complete freedom, then we can infringe the freedom of others
21 of 29
Who said 'over his own mind & body the individual is sovereign'?
John Stuart Mill
22 of 29
What is the opposite of equality of opportunity?
Equality of outcome
23 of 29
What kind of equality did Liberals prefer?
Equality of opportunity
24 of 29
Humans being are seen to be born equal in the sense that each individual is of equal moral worth, what type of equality is this?
foundational equality
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What is equality of opportunity?
Each and every individual has the same chance to rise and fall in society
26 of 29
What is Meritoracy?
A society which social position is determined by the ability to work hard
27 of 29
What is egoistical individualism?
This places emphasis on self reliance and self interestedness
28 of 29
Using Hitler as an example, give a criticism to Utilitarianism?
Infringed the rights of the Jews
29 of 29

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Card 2


Who had a positive view of human nature?



Card 3


Who came up with the ' two concepts of liberty'?


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Card 4


Which of the 5 evils is missing Ignorance, want, disease, idleness?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a economic lassiez faire?


Preview of the front of card 5
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