Police Powers

  • Created by: 10dhall
  • Created on: 10-05-17 23:35
PACE 1984 and SOCPA 2005
1 of 10
What Code of Practice governs stop and search?
Code A
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What are NOT good reasons to stop and search someone?
Hair colour, age, sexuality, sex, disability, marital status, previous criminal record, ethnic origin, nationality, race
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What are GOOD reasons to stop and search someone?
Hiding something, carrying a bag, being in a sensitive location for too long, distinctive gang clothing, matching the description of an offender
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What reasonable grounds does the officer have to have to search someone?
That they will find; stolen goods, an article adapted for a burglary/robbery/theft/criminal damage/obtaining property by deception/taking a stolen vehicle, prohibited fireworks
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What rights does the person being searched have?
1) For the detention to be near where they were stopped 2) Name/station/why/details of powers. 3) Evidence if they're undercover. 4) Only removal; outer jacket, coat, gloves, feel around; neck, shoes, socks - nearby van. 5) Note on vehicle. 6) Record
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What should records include?
Self defined ethnic origin, date, time, place of detention and search, purpose of search, grounds for search, ID of the officer making the search
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What powers does the Misuse of Drugs act give the police?
Under this act the police can search people or vehicles in public places when the presence of controlled drugs is suspected
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What powers does the Sporting Events 1985 give the police?
Powers to stop and search people, coaches and trains on the way to or at a sports ground - no suspicion is needed
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What powers does the Terrorism Act 2000 give the police?
Powers have been amended following Gilan v Quinton 2010, new in s47A. Senior police officers can issue blanekt searches for 14 days, vehicles/pedestrians can be searched/ secretary state notified within 48 hours
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What Code of Practice governs stop and search?


Code A

Card 3


What are NOT good reasons to stop and search someone?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are GOOD reasons to stop and search someone?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What reasonable grounds does the officer have to have to search someone?


Preview of the front of card 5
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