Police Powers Statutory Refrences

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  • Police Powers
    • Powers to Stop and Search
      • Section 1 of PACE
      • Misuse of the Drugs Act 1971
      • Terrorism Act 2000
      • Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
        • Gives the police power to stop and search in anticipation of violence
    • Powers to Arrest
      • Section 24 of PACE
        • Powers completely changed in 2006 by SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime Police Act 2005)
          • Section 110 of SOCPA
      • Section 1. of the Magistrates Court Act 1980
        • Arrest with a warrant
      • Breach of the Peace
      • Criminal Justice and Police Order Act 1994
      • Section 46A of PACE gives the power to arrest someone without a warrant
    • Detention at the police station
      • PACE amended by the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 along with Code of Practice C
      • Terrorism Cases Section 23-25 of the Terrorism Act 2005
      • Section 56 of PACE
        • Informing someone about their arrest
      • Section 76 of PACE
        • Doesn't allow any statements to be obtained through oppression (torture)
        • Code C makes sure that the conditions of the interview are appropriate
      • Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 instead section 64 (1A) into PACE Act 1984
        • All samples must be retained after they have fulfilled the purpose they were taken for.
          • However these samples can only be used for purposes related to the prevention or detention of a crime.
    • Treatment of Suspects
      • Detention at the police station
        • PACE amended by the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 along with Code of Practice C
        • Terrorism Cases Section 23-25 of the Terrorism Act 2005
        • Section 56 of PACE
          • Informing someone about their arrest
        • Section 76 of PACE
          • Doesn't allow any statements to be obtained through oppression (torture)
          • Code C makes sure that the conditions of the interview are appropriate
        • Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 instead section 64 (1A) into PACE Act 1984
          • All samples must be retained after they have fulfilled the purpose they were taken for.
            • However these samples can only be used for purposes related to the prevention or detention of a crime.


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