Poetry Anthology Quiz

  • Created by: TilsR
  • Created on: 07-04-24 17:35
Name the poem: "Pale grew thy cheek and cold/ colder thy kiss"
When We Two Parted
1 of 25
Name the poem: "And the moonbeams kiss the sea"
Love's Philosophy
2 of 25
Name the poem: "Too weak to, for all her heart's endeavour/ To set its struggling passion free"
Porphyria's Lover
3 of 25
Name the poem: "Yet, O my palm-tree, be it understood"
Sonnet 29
4 of 25
Name the poem: "Alive enough to have the strength to die"
Neutral Tones
5 of 25
Name the poem: "as they reddened in the warmth"
Letters from Yorkshire
6 of 25
Name the poem: "Alone, poor maid. 'Tis but a stair/ Betwixt us"
The Farmer's Bride
7 of 25
Name the poem: "Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem"
Walking Away
8 of 25
Name the poem: ""The sky whitens as if lit by three suns"
Eden Rock
9 of 25
Name the poem: "I wanted to grow up and plough"
10 of 25
Name the poem: "Unreeling/ years between us. Anchor. Kite"
Mother, any distance
11 of 25
Name the poem: "in the ballroom with the thousand eyes"
Before You Were Mine
12 of 25
Name the poem: "two days of rain and then a break"
Winter Swans
13 of 25
Name the poem: "from 9 o'clock to 9 o'clock"
Singh Song!
14 of 25
Name the poem: "I cross the screed cheek"
Climbing My Grandfather
15 of 25
Which poem did Andrew Waterhouse write?
Climbing My Grandfather
16 of 25
Who wrote Winter Swans?
Owen Sheers
17 of 25
Who wrote Before You Were Mine?
Carol Ann Duffy
18 of 25
Who wrote Follower?
Seamus Heaney
19 of 25
Who wrote Eden Rock?
Charles Causley
20 of 25
Who wrote the Famer's Bride?
Charlotte Mew
21 of 25
Who wrote Neutral Tones?
Thomas Hardy
22 of 25
Who wrote Sonnet 29?
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
23 of 25
Who wrote Porphyria's Lover?
Robert Browning
24 of 25
What movement are Shelley and Bryon part of?
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the poem: "And the moonbeams kiss the sea"


Love's Philosophy

Card 3


Name the poem: "Too weak to, for all her heart's endeavour/ To set its struggling passion free"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the poem: "Yet, O my palm-tree, be it understood"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the poem: "Alive enough to have the strength to die"


Preview of the front of card 5
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