Poems from other cultures, Cluster 1

Themes and style in the pems in cluster 1

  • Created by: RPun20
  • Created on: 29-05-10 12:33

1. What hasn't changed in the poem 'Nothing's Changed', which is the theme?

  • The type of food served in the
  • The division between white people and the black and coloured people in South Africa after the abolition of apartheid
  • The area around District Six- there are still weeds, and litter lying everywhere
1 of 13

Other questions in this quiz

2. Why is present tense used in 'Limbo'?

  • Suggests the oppression is ongoing
  • It makes a change, makes it more interesting

3. In 'Nothing's Changed', the glass is used as a metaphor to show the invisible barrier between races in South Africa

  • True
  • False

4. The Island Man loves being in London, and his favourite thing about it is the 'North Circular' road.

  • False
  • True

5. In 'Island Man', 'groggily groggily' is separated from the body of the poem:

  • Becasue it looks good, and Grace Nichols felt like it...
  • To show that the island man is gradually waking up
  • Accidently (due to a mis-print)




this is great! thanks!

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