Plant growth hormones

  • Created by: Virrusha
  • Created on: 28-04-13 12:11
It is the growth of a plant in response to light. Shoots are positively phototropic, they grow towards light
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Gravitropism (geotropism)
It is the growth pf a plant in response to gravity. Roots are positively gravitropic, they grow downwards
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It stimilates plant tips to grow. It is produced in the tips and diffuses backwards to stimulate the cells just behind the tips to elongate.
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It stimulates plant stems to grow. It stimulates seed germination, stem growth and flowering.
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They are positively phototropic. When a shoot tip is exposed to light, more auxin accumulates on the side thats in the shade than the side thats in the light.
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Card 2


It is the growth pf a plant in response to gravity. Roots are positively gravitropic, they grow downwards


Gravitropism (geotropism)

Card 3


It stimilates plant tips to grow. It is produced in the tips and diffuses backwards to stimulate the cells just behind the tips to elongate.


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Card 4


It stimulates plant stems to grow. It stimulates seed germination, stem growth and flowering.


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Card 5


They are positively phototropic. When a shoot tip is exposed to light, more auxin accumulates on the side thats in the shade than the side thats in the light.


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