plant adaptions

  • Created by: woah
  • Created on: 20-11-12 12:29
what do plants need to survive?
Plants need light, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients
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where do most plants get their nutrients and water from?
from the soil, through their roots.
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how can other plants get their water and nutrients from?
from the air, in their specially adapted leaves. So if the plant lives high above the ground making it difficult to get its water and nutrients from the soil, it can get it from the air
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What could plants living in hot, dry conditions do to adapt and survive?
they could either reduce their surface area so that they lose less water or where they can store water in their tissues.
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what can plants do to adapt if they have long roots?
since they have long roots, they can go down a very long way or over a wide are so they can take as much water as possible from the soil
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how do plants lose water vapour?
from the surface of their leaves
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Card 2


where do most plants get their nutrients and water from?


from the soil, through their roots.

Card 3


how can other plants get their water and nutrients from?


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Card 4


What could plants living in hot, dry conditions do to adapt and survive?


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Card 5


what can plants do to adapt if they have long roots?


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