Pilot Studies and Experimental Design

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 27-06-22 21:34
what are pilot studies?
they are small scale studies that are carried prior to the experiment or full research to find out if there are problems with the experimental design, instructions for PP and measuring instruments (including behavioural categories and questionnaires)
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what are the 3 main experimental designs and what do they do?
.Independent measures design-when there are 2 groups of PP who will go through 2 different conditions
.Repeated measures design- when one group of PPs in a study will go through the same 2 conditions
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continuing from previous card
.Matched pairs design- when pairs of PP are matched from the same sample ie age or IQ, after matching, the PP are treated like in independent measures, 1 member of each pair is placed in either condition
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name the evaluations of I design
-more PP required, time-consuming, expensive
+no demand characteristics/PP effect ie fatigue
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name the evaluations of R design
-possible demand characteristics, PP effect
+requires less PP so less costly, less time consuming (+also less individual differences)
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name the evaluations of M design
+reduces PP variables as more people matched in groups with similar characteristics/ order effects are less of an issue
-more pp required, therefore more expensive and time consuming [+individual differences can still-
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continuing w previous card
-play a role as it is difficult to find exactly matched pairs]
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what is 1 thing that must be done when assigning PP to a condition?
they must be randomly allocated. meaning the PP have an equal chance of being in either condition.
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what are some ways you can ensure random allocation?
-you could toss a coin
-you can have a letter A/B in a. heat and each pp takes on from the hat
-number people 1 and 2 as they come through the door
-random picker (online)
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what is counterbalancing and when is it used ?
it is the aim to balance out any differences between PP that are the result of the order they have take the test. it is uses in repeated measures design.
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what is needed for counterbalancing to take place?
needs to be an equal number of PP
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what are the disadvantages?
-not an appropriate strategy to minimise order effects as problems can occur ie one condition can help another condition
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what is randomisation?
involves adopting a strategy that randomly determines the order of presentation of experimental conditions by ie tossing a coin
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Card 2


what are the 3 main experimental designs and what do they do?


.Independent measures design-when there are 2 groups of PP who will go through 2 different conditions
.Repeated measures design- when one group of PPs in a study will go through the same 2 conditions

Card 3


continuing from previous card


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Card 4


name the evaluations of I design


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Card 5


name the evaluations of R design


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