Pilgrimage of Grace: events, causes and significance

  • Created by: claud
  • Created on: 26-05-15 17:21

1. Dissolution continued, massacre at Carlisle 1537, Parliament in North never met, Reformation continued.

  • These are all failures of the PoG
  • These are all successes of the PoG
1 of 7

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2. Which is NOT an example of why the PoG was a significant threat?

  • PoG had gentry support
  • entry fines were resolved in favour of the rebels
  • geographical scale of unrest
  • the rebellion never intended to overthrow monarchy
  • rebels outnumbered royal forces

3. Which is NOT an example of why the PoG wasn't a significant threat?

  • unrest didn't subside
  • dissolution continued
  • Henry made promises as a tactic to disperse rebels
  • Reformation continued
  • rebels were naive and willing to negotiate with King
  • lack of unity among rebels

4. Was this a Protestant or Catholic rebellion?

  • Catholic
  • Protestant

5. What was the main religious cause of the Pilgrimage of Grace?

  • Dissolution of the Monasteries
  • Abolition of Holy days
  • Neglect of monks and clergy


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