PICAR Master quiz


1. A reflective essay is different from a formal academic essay only in that it:

  • Uses descriptions of personal experience
  • Does not make use of academic literature
  • Uses colloquial language
  • Is not organised to demonstrate an argument
1 of 20

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2. Interviewing all members of a population is called...

  • Census
  • Sample
  • Neilsen Audit
  • Survey

3. Which of the following best describes "Research"?

  • Research is about all of the above
  • Research is about generating new knowledge or understanding
  • Research can be creative
  • Research should be structured & systematic

4. Quantitative Research generates...

  • Data on opinions and behaviours
  • Data that is measurable
  • Data about attitudes and beliefs
  • Objective data

5. Interviewing people as they leave a concert is an example of what type of sampling?

  • Quota
  • Adaptive
  • Convenience
  • Cluster


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